docker create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...] 1. 执行命令 docker create -it --name tomcat9 -p 8080:8080 9.0.20-jre8-alpine 1. 常用参数 大部分参数用法与docker run命令参数相同 启动、重启、终止容器 docker start:启动一个或多个已经被停止的容器 docker stop:停止一个运行中的容器 docker r...
docker exec -it 容器id /bin/sh # 查看网络,可以看到有两个,这个就是网络的namespace ip a # 我们退出容器 exit # 在容器外面,也就是ubuntu环境查看ip a,是不一样的网络,这就是linux network namespace ip a # 创建一个test2 docker run -d --name test2 busybox /bin/sh c "while true; do sle...
before (<image-name>[:<tag>],<image id>or<image@digest>) - filter images created before given id or references since (<image-name>[:<tag>],<image id>or<image@digest>) - filter images created since given id or references reference (pattern of an image reference) - filter images whose...
$ docker tag httpd fedora/httpd:version1.0 Note that since the tag name isn't specified, the alias is created for an existing local version httpd:latest. Tag an image referenced by Name and Tag To tag a local image with the name httpd and the tag test as fedora/httpd with the tag ...
docker image tag myimage:latest 上述示例将名为 myimage 版本为 latest 的本地镜像打标签为。这样可以指定目标注册表的位置和镜像在该注册表中的路径。 查看已打标签的镜像 docker image ls 该命令将列出本地已构建的所有...
<!--tag表示版本-->docker pull 镜像名:tag 查看镜像 docker iamges 删除镜像 <!-- -f强制删除-->docker image rm -f 镜像id或者镜像名:tag container容器 Definition of: container A container is a runtime instance of adocker image. A Docker container consists of ...
镜像Image 1)获取:docker pull $ sudo docker pull ubuntu:12.04 该命令实际上相当于 $ sudo docker pull 命令,即从注册服务 器 中的 ubuntu 仓库来下载标记为 12.04 的镜像。 2)列出:docker images ...
(6)docker rmi xxx_imagename/image_id删除某个镜像,"rmi"即remove image。 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker rmi hello-world docker rmi-f hello-world #-f强制删除 docker rmi-f image1:TAGimage2:TAG#一次删除多个镜像 docker rmi-f$(docker images-qa)#组合命令,效果是删除全部 ...
例如,以下命令将名为my-image的镜像推送到私有仓库: #查看现有镜像 root@localhost ~# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE my-nginx latest 3ba69597200b 24 hours ago 187MB my-nginx1 latest 0dfb846012b7 24 hours ago 187MB #为my-nginx镜像打上标签并推送到私有仓库 root@localhost ~#... - runs docker build and auto-generates docker image name and tag from relative Git path and commit short SHA hashref and a dirty sha suffix if git contents are modified. Useful to compare docker image sizes between your clean and modified versions of Dockerfile or cont...