$ docker tag 0e5574283393 fedora/httpd:version1.0 Tag an image referenced by Name To tag a local image httpd as fedora/httpd with the tag version1.0: $ docker tag httpd fedora/httpd:version1.0 Note that since the tag name isn't specified, the alias is created for an existing local ve...
A Docker image tag is a label or identifier attached to an image meant for creating containers. It helps differentiate between different versions or variants of an image. Tags are often used to track changes, manage releases, and facilitate version control. By tagging Docker images, you can ens...
# expose httpd portEXPOSE80# the command to runCMD["/usr/sbin/apachectl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"] ''' 还可以用 docker tag 命令来修改镜像的标签,实际上是给镜像添加新的标签 ''' root@Ubuntu14:~/test-dir# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE <none> <none> 1ba1618e54b79 mi...
For example, to tag an image both as docker/fedora-jboss:latest and docker/fedora-jboss:v2.1, use the following: $ docker buildx build -t docker/fedora-jboss:latest -t docker/fedora-jboss:v2.1 . Specifying target build stage (--target) ...
Now, let us see how we can tag an image. Tagging an Image Once we have our image up and running, we can tag it with a username, image name, and version number before we push it into the repository by using the docker tag command: 1 docker tag centos docker6767/mycentos Now, in ...
2.进入image看配置好的环境 但是我不懂Docker 于是这个貌似容易的“题”就难为我了 Dockerfile-from-image 据了解 Docker image建立的时候,一般会写一个Dockerfile.根据我浅薄的Makefile的了解 我觉得我需要获得Dockerfile 于是“How to Generate a Dockerfile from an image?” ...
docker import [options] file|URL|- [REPOSITORY[:TAG]] Options: -c, –change:It provides Dockerfile instructions if needed while creating the Docker image. It takes input as a list. -m, –message:It adds a message to the Docker image while importing from an archive file. It is a strin...
Note:To push the Docker image to the Docker hub registry, the user can also tag the image using the “docker tag” command: docker tag<image-name><repository-name>/<image-name>:<tag/version> Step 9: Remove Old Container Now, remove the older container. For this purpose, first, stop ...
当我们使用 arm 架构的处理器时要额外注意,在拉取镜像的时候要拉取 arm 架构的镜像,一般处理器的架构都接在镜像的 tag 后面,默认 latest tag 的镜像是 x86 的,在 arm 处理器的机器这些镜像上是跑不起来的。 runtime-spec 运行时规范 在深入学习Docker原理过程中发现Docker info中的Runtimes字段,由于个人阅历有...
Tag Your Image for Version Control When you pull down an image from Docker Hub, theStatusline includes theimage tagas shown here: Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest Docker tags are an easy way for you to know what version or release you are working with. This is especially ...