Docker images are the basis of containers. An Image is an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and the corresponding execution parameters for use within a container runtime. An image typically contains a union of layered filesystems stacked on top of each other. An image does not have...
[ ~]# docker image --helpUsage: docker image COMMAND Manage images Commands: build Buildanimage from a Dockerfile history Show the history ofanimage import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem imageinspectDisplaydetailed informationononeormoreim...
$ docker network create mynet $ docker network inspect mynet --format "{{json .Options}}" {"":"","":"1234"} Note that changing this daemon configuration doesn't affect pre-existing networks. Using the --...
docker image build 基于Dockerfile创建镜像 2 docker image history 显示镜像的历史记录,主要因为镜像文件由多个层组成,那么可以使用该命令知道各个层的内容具体是什么。 3 docker image import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image 4 docker image inspect 显示镜像的详细信息 5 docker...
Fixed a bug where turning on Kubernetes from the UI failed when the system was paused. Fixed a bug where turning on Wasm from the UI failed when the system was paused. Bind mounts are now shown when you inspect a container. You can now download Wasm runtimes when the containerd image sto...
安装完docker环境之后就是使用docker了,我学习一般喜欢先“知其然”,就是学会用这个东西,然后再“知其所以然”,了解这个技术背后的架构和原理,而使用docker首先就要弄明白image和container。 Docker Image Image简介 1. Image是文件和Metadata的集合(root filesystem) ...
DiffID是制作镜像时针对每层产生的hash值,可以通过命令docker image inspect查看字段中的RootFS.Layers拿到DiffID哈希值(默认排序:第一行则是最底层,由底层往上排序)。 ChainID是通过计算公式得出的ID,作用是与CacheID对应的层做内容寻址的索引,进而关联到每一个镜像层的镜像文件。对应的目录是/var/lib/docker/image...
docker inspect:获取容器的详细信息,包括配置和状态,是调试的强有力工具。docker kill:向容器发送信号,通常用于紧急终止容器运行。docker pause:暂停容器中的所有进程,而不停容器,适用于临时冻结容器状态。docker port:列出容器的端口映射关系,帮助我们了解容器的网络配置。docker prune:清理所有未使用的容器、镜像、网络...
$ docker image inspect --format='{{.RepoTags}} {{.Id}} {{.Parent}}' $(docker image ls -q --filter since=<image_id>) # 根据TAG删除镜像 $ docker rmi -f c565xxxxc87f # 删除悬空镜像 $ docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc) ...
查看镜像分层的方式可以通过 docker image inspect命令! [// ..."RootFS":{"Type":"layers","Layers":["sha256:2edcec3590a4ec7f40cf0743c15d78fb39d8326bc029073b41ef9727da6c851f","sha256:9b24afeb7c2f21e50a686ead025823cd2c6e9730c013ca77ad5f115c079b57cb","sha256:4b8e2801e0f956a4220c32e2c...