docker inspect imageid内容详解 docker image container image镜像 Definition of: image Docker images are the basis of containers. An Image is an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and the corresponding execution parameters for use within a container runtime. An image typically contains a un...
Inspect an image's manifest object $docker manifest inspect hello-world{"schemaVersion": 2,"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json","config": {"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json","size": 1520,"digest": "sha256:1815c82652c03bfd8644afda26...
一、查看镜像信息 查看镜像的命令通常有:images、tag和inspect子命令。 1.使用images命令列出本地镜像 使用docker images 命令可以列出本地主机上已有镜像的基本信息。 REPOSITORY:表示来自于哪个仓库。 TAG:表示镜像的标签信息,标签只是标记,并不能标识镜像内容。 IMAGE ID:镜像ID,镜像的唯一标识,如果两个镜像ID相同,...
To inspect an image, select the image row. Inspecting an image displays detailed information about the image such as the: Image history Image ID Date the image was created Size of the image Layers making up the image Base images used
docker inspect命令是用来获取docker容器或docker镜像的元数据 2.docker inspect用法 docker inspect [参数] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...] [root@centos79 ~]# docker inspect --help Usage: docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...] Return low-level information on Docker objects Options...
docker inspect -f {{".Size"}} 2.4 使用 history 命令查看镜像历史 前面的小节中,我们知道了,一个镜像是由多个层(layer)组成的,那么,我们要如何知道各个层的具体内容呢? 通过docker history 命令,可以列出各个层(layer)的创建信息,如我们查看 的各层信息: docker ...
docker inspect 镜像id 官网示例 参考# 官网有更详细的命令解释 总结# 学这些命令,学起来还是很简单的,毕竟和Linux命令差不多,主要就是搞清楚概念,后面还有容器,数据卷之类的,还有联合文件系统。
Docker image commands There are sets of primary Docker image commands, categorized as child commands; some include the following: Docker image build. Builds an image from a Dockerfile. Docker image inspect. Displays information on one or more images. Docker image load. Loads an image from a ...
docker image inspect --format='' myimage 添加一个标签 mkdir test1 cd test1/ vim Dockerfile FROM busybox LABEL author=zhujiantang 将文件制作为镜像(在dockfile文件当前目录执行) docker build -t zjt:v1 . --no-cache 安装jq yum install epel-release ...
inspect Display an image manifest, or manifest list push Push a manifest list to a repository rm Delete one or more manifest lists fromlocalstorage Run'docker manifest COMMAND --help'formore information on acommand. 可以发现,docker manifest共提供了annotate、create、inspect、push、rm这 5 个子命。