三.错误(something went wrong, please see the ollama server logs for details)执行ollama ps 出现...
Feedback and bug reports for the Docker Hub. Contribute to docker/hub-feedback development by creating an account on GitHub.
Then today I start my computer and want to download mysql from docker hub. I start Docker Quickstart Terminal and on the console, then it shows to me: Machine default already exists in VirtualBox. Setting environment variables for machine default... ## . ## ## ## == ## ## ## ## ...
2:为什么上面的sh start.sh需要用本地的docker,而不是让他去自己下载呢? 答:因为默认的docker镜像仓库地址是https://hub.docker.com/,我们国内下载超级慢,所以我们如果直接该软件获取本地仓库地址在哪里,我们可以把我么下载的docker镜像放进去,并断网,这样该软件会优先去取我们的本地仓库镜像,而不是去网上下载,...
可能的原因 1 在build自己的镜像的时候添加tag时必须在前面加上自己的dockerhub的username,2可能未登录(可以自己去) docker tag 6d5541c623fd(imageid) dockershanks/v1.0 然后push 远程仓库 docker push dockershanks/v1.0 然后pull docker pull dockershanks/v1.0 ...
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: $ docker run -it ubuntu bash Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker Hub account: https://hub.docker.com For more examples and ideas, visit: ...
网易仓库地址:https://c.163.com/hub#/home 2.windows安装docker windows下安装的docker实际上是虚拟了一个linux环境,建议还是linux上直接使用docker。 1.下载安装包 win7、win8 等需要利用 docker toolbox 来安装,下载地址 2.运行安装 直接全部下一步即可。下载完成桌面出现三个快捷方式。
Search for an image on Docker Hub. query Parameters term required string Term to search limit integer Maximum number of results to return filters string A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the images list. Available filters: is-automated=(true|false...
一般默认是从Docker Hub上拉取镜像的,Docker Hub是Docker官方提供的镜像仓库服务(Docker Registry),有大量官方或第三方镜像供我们使用,比如我们可以在命令行中输入下面的命令直接拉取一个CentOS镜像: docker pull centos docker pull命令的完整写法如下: docker pull [选项] [Docker Registry 地址[:端口号]/]仓库名...
Search for an image on Docker Hub. query Parameters term required string Term to search limit integer Maximum number of results to return filters string A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the images list. Available filters: is-automated=(true|false...