Feedback and bug reports for the Docker Hub. Contribute to docker/hub-feedback development by creating an account on GitHub.
* [dotnet/aspnet]( ASP.NET Core Runtime * [dotnet/runtime]( .NET Runtime * [dotnet/runtime-deps]( .NET Runtime Dependen...
一、安装docker 首先交代一下环境:服务器是鲲鹏的,已事先安装好了Linux系统,我的系统版本是 1.更新下yum程序(可选做) yum update -y -y:是指之后需... 问答精选 How to combine dictionaries within an array based on the same key-value pairs?
(datahub) code: datahub docker quickstart Unable to run quickstart: - Total Docker memory configured 1.99GB is below the minimum threshold 3.8GB (datahub) code: 报错误:Docker 配置的内存不够用,如下图: 现在给调整为 5GB 再试试。 点击“应用并重启(Apply & Restart)”按钮应用配置并重启 Docker 引...
See more at docker: -image:cimg/base:stable parameters: additional_args: default:"" description:Enteranyadditionalargumentstopasstothe`ghprmerge`command(e.g.--squash) type:string branch: default:...
display: source_url: commands: install-browser-tools: description: | Install various browsers and browser-testing tools into any Debian/Ubuntu-based Docker image. Intended to ease browser testing on CircleCI. Requirements: bash, curl, apt-get... Proxy enables a registry to be configured as a pull through cache to the official Docker Hub. See mirror for more information. Pushing to a registry configured as a pull through cache is currently unsupported . Sorry, something went wrong. reason...
I can log into docker hub through a browser with no issues I changed my password 3 days ago I have tried restarting (and deleting and recreating) the default machine O/S: Mac OS X 10.11.4 Docker: Docker version 1.11.1, build 5604cbe dock...
This is how it's done in the GHA: # set -x docker exec "$CONTAINER_NAME" powershell -Command " \$unityExe = 'C:\UnityEditor\' + \$Env:UNITY_VERSION + '\Editor\Unity.exe'; & \$unityExe ${build_args...
Available options can be found at Yes - string resource_class Enter your Runner resource class. For information on how to setup a Runner agent, see: Yes - string target_platform Pick the target ...