Can we trigger rebuild of fedora-34-helix image? The dockerfile contains instructions to pull and build newest msquic and we'd like to consume the newer version in dotnet/runtime. Related change in runtime: dotnet/runtime#67383 cc: @wfurt...
Very often, docker-compose up doesn't rebuild image specified as "build:" in the docker-compose.yml although the respective Dockerfile has changed. Instead, I need to run docker build -t servicename_foldername . manually for the affected service which will actually update the image accordingly...
使用dfimage 工具获取RocketMQ 4.9.4官方镜像原始的 Dockerfile。 alias dfimage="docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --rm alpine/dfimage" dfimage -sV=1.36 apache/rocketmq:4.9.4 > /root/rocketmq_rebuild/Dockerfile 这里需要说明几点: 1、RocketMQ 是使用 Java 语言开发的项...
在这种情况下,我们需要添加no-deps选项来明确告诉docker-compose不要重新启动链接的容器: $ docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build --no-deps ubuntu Container {folder-name}-ubuntu-1 Recreate Container {folder-name}-ubuntu-1 Recreated Container {folder-name}-ubuntu-1 Starting Container {folder...
Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. This page describes the commands you can use in a Dockerfile. ...
如果本地没有ubuntu容器,Docker会执行docker pull ubuntu自动拉取registry上的ubuntu image 删除这个镜像 # 查看所有本地镜像docker images# 删除docker rmi <name+tag># 如果该镜像正被容器引用,则删除该引用容器dockerrm<containerID> 如果遇到容器正在运行当中,则需要停止再删除(或强制删除) ...
Added the --build flag to docker-compose up to force it to build a new image. It now shows a warning if an image is automatically built when the flag is not used. Added the docker-compose exec command for executing a process in a running container. ...
默认的模板文件是docker-compose.yml,其中定义的每个服务都必须通过 image 指令指定镜像或 build 指令(需要 Dockerfile)来自动构建。 其它大部分指令都跟docker run中的类似 如果使用 build 指令,在 Dockerfile 中设置的选项(例如:CMD, EXPOSE, VOLUME, ENV 等) 将会自动被获取,无需在docker-compose.yml中再次设置...
To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`. Building tomcat2 Step 1/6 : FROM centos ---> 49f7960eb7e4 Step 2/6 : ADD jdk-8u144-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local ---> Using cache ---> 8c9e14062a24 Step 3/6 : ENV JAVA_HOME /...
FROM microsoft/aspnet tells Docker which image to use as the starting point. In this case, it’s a Microsoft image with IIS and ASP.NET installed on top of a specific version of Windows Server Core. SHELL ["powershell"] changes to a different shell for the rest of the Dockerfile, so...