To completely remove a Docker image, use the following command: dockerrmi<image-id> Copy Replace<image-id>with the ID or name of the image. If the image is in use by a container, you must first remove the container before removing the image. 2.How do I remove unused Docker images? U...
-f, --forceForce removal of the image --no-pruneDo not delete untagged parents Examples You can remove an image using its short or long ID, its tag, or its digest. If an image has one or more tags referencing it, you must remove all of them before the image is removed. Digest ref...
docker image prune -a -f 这将删除所有未被标记或被其他镜像引用的镜像。这些操作可以释放未使用的镜像和容器所占用的磁盘空间。除了清理未使用的镜像和容器外,还可以使用Docker内置的CLI指令进行自动空间清理。运行以下命令: docker system prune --force --volumes --volumes-only --help --all --force-remove...
$ docker rmi ubuntu:14.04 Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to remove repository reference "ubuntu: 14.04" (must force) - container a21c0840213e is using its referenced image 8f1bd21bd25c 如果要想强行删除镜像,可以使用-f参数。 $ docker rmi -f ubuntu:14.04 Untagged: ubuntu:14.04 ...
+listImages() : List+removeImage(imageID:String) : void 结尾 在本篇文章中,我们详细解析了强制删除Docker镜像的步骤,包括如何查看当前镜像、选择要删除的镜像以及如何强制删除该镜像。通过上面的命令和说明,相信你能更清楚地了解Docker镜像的管理。技术的学习是一个持续的过程,希望这篇文章能帮助你在Docker的学习...
$ docker image prune -a WARNING! This will remove all images without at least one container associated to them. Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y 默认情况下,它会询问您是否要继续。要跳过此检查,请使用-f或--force参数。
docker rmi命令-删除image Usage:docker rmi IMAGE[IMAGE...]Removeoneormore images-f,--force=falseForceremoval of the image--no-prune=falseDonotdeleteuntagged parents Removing tagged images Images can be removed either by their short or long ID`s, or their image names. If an image has more ...
Usage: docker rmi IMAGE [IMAGE...]Removeoneormore images-f,--force=falseForce removal of the image--no-prune=falseDonotdelete untagged parents Removing tagged images Images can be removed either by their short or long ID`s, or their image names. If an image has more than one name, eac...
-f, --forceForce removal of the image --no-pruneDo not delete untagged parents Examples You can remove an image using its short or long ID, its tag, or its digest. If an image has one or more tags referencing it, you must remove all of them before the image is removed. Digest ref...
docker rmi`docker image ls -f dangling=true -q` 命令帮助 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker image 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker rmi-h Flag shorthand-h has been deprecated,please use--helpUsage:docker rmi[OPTIONS]IMAGE[IMAGE...]Remove one or more imagesOptions:-f,--force Force removalofthe ...