删除未被任何容器使用的本地卷。 docker volume prune -f 1. 其中选项有: 其他命令:docker volume rm [OPTIONS] VOLUME [VOLUME...] 删除一个或多个卷。从1.25版本起,支持一个选项--force , -f,强制删除一个或多个卷。 要使用此命令,客户端和守护程序API版本都必须至少为1.21。在客户端上使用docker versi...
when I run docker-compose down without -v or --volumes, why my data is lost? does docker delete my volume? it’s already on this thread: Docker Volume missing after docker-compose down without -v flag too, but doesn’t receive any answer yet. and how to define the volume as e...
Delete All Containers 删除所有容器 As we can see that deleted container UID is printed to the terminal output. 如我们所见,已删除的容器UID将打印到终端输出。 (Delete All Images) Images are pure data about the starting point of the containers. We generally download images from docker hub or crea...
volumes: - data:/app volumes: # 与services:是在一个缩进级别 data: # 映射名, 上面的容器的volumes使用 name: db-volume # volume name 通过 docker volume ls 命令可以查看 注意: 下面的volumes:与services:是在一个缩进级别 Docker-compose:在卷部分找不到声明 ·问题 #67 ·集群总部/dvol ·GitHub...
qiuri2008 docker-compose使用volume部署mysql时permission deny问题解决 问题 整体情况为使用docker做mysql的容器,然后结合其他服务一起通过docker-compose启动,并且为了一次性建表和设置用户权限我又在mysql中封装了setup.sh、schema.sql、privileges.sql这些自定义的脚本,在Dockerfile构造时执行,到目前为止都是正常的。
我本地有一个mysql-security的volume. wuhaodeMacBook-Pro:demo275 wuhao$ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME local mysql-security 我想在docker-compose.yml文件中指定我本地已经有的volume(mysql-security).所以写成 volumes: - mysql-security:/var/lib/mysql docker-compose up -d后,查看volume: wuhaode...
$docker container stop devtest$docker container rm devtest$docker volume rm myvol2 Use a volume with Docker Compose The following example shows a single Docker Compose service with a volume: services:frontend:image:node:ltsvolumes:-myapp:/home/node/appvolumes:myapp: ...
I am running Docker Desktop for Windows on Windows 11 with WSL2. The compose file that I have from a third party has volume mapping that looks so: volumes: - "/someDir/:/configuration" The third party runs their docke…
另一个答案是错误的,根据documentation,docker compose down将不删除任何卷,除非使用-v选项。