If you don’t explicitly create it, a volume is created the first time it is mounted into a container. When that container stops or is removed, the volume still exists. Multiple containers can mount the same volume simultaneously, either read-write or read-only.Volumes are only removed when...
创建xd_volume数据卷,使用ubuntu:latest 镜像创建容器将该数据卷挂载到 root 分区,完成后通过 inspect 指定查看容器的挂载情况Mounts,并在本地主机数据卷的目录下查看内容。 [root@localhost ~]# docker volume create -d local xd_volume xd_volume [root@localhost ~]# docker run -d --mount type=volume,sou...
Use a volume with Docker Compose The following example shows a single Docker Compose service with a volume: services:frontend:image:node:ltsvolumes:-myapp:/home/node/appvolumes:myapp: Runningdocker compose upfor the first time creates a volume. Docker reuses the same volume when you run the co...
其中,<volume_name>是你想要创建的卷的名称,<container_path>是容器内部的路径,指定了容器内部的目录将会和主机上的卷进行映射。 例如,你可以在Docker Compose文件中定义一个volume配置如下: volumes: - data_volume:/data AI代码助手复制代码 这将会创建一个名为data_volume的卷,并将容器内部的/data路径映射到这个...
DockerCompose之数据卷Volume 通常情况下,一个容器启动之后,所有容器中的数据都存在容器内部的临时文件中,如果容器停止,则数据也就清空了,为了能够在使用容器的过程中,还能把一些数据持久化下来,也即容器消失掉,这些数据依然还存在,因此dockercompose支持了数据卷(volume)功能,通过他可以指定Docker中一块持久化的区域,该...
docker-compose volume 数据卷 docker-compose里两种设置方式都是可以持久化的 绝对路径的 ghost: image: ghost volumes:- ./ghost/config.js:/var/lib/ghost/config.js 卷标的 services: mysql: image: mysql container_name: mysql volumes:- mysql:/var/lib/mysql...
volumes: # 与services:是在一个缩进级别 data: # 映射名, 上面的容器的volumes使用 name: db-volume # volume name 通过 docker volume ls 命令可以查看 注意: 下面的volumes:与services:是在一个缩进级别 Docker-compose:在卷部分找不到声明 ·问题 #67 ·集群总部/dvol ·GitHub...
I’m trying to mount volume that is an NFS. I have this docker-compose file: version: "3.8" volumes: neonfs: driver: local driver_opts: type: nfs o: addr= device: :/space/home/cverond/varwwwhtml services: web: build: dockerfile: ./Dockerfile ports: - "80:80" enviro...
搭建cvat/server 时, 需要将多个镜像公用的volume绑定在本地路径下, 可在docker-compose.yml 中编辑volume属性: #Copyright(C)2018-2022Intel Corporation # #SPDX-License-Identifier:MITservices:cvat_db:container_name:cvat_db image:postgres:15-alpine restart:always environment:POSTGRES_USER:rootPOSTGRES_DB:...
The Compose Specification is the latest and recommended version of the Compose file format. It helps you define aCompose filewhich is used to configure your Docker application’s services, networks, volumes, and more. Legacy versions 2.x and 3.x of the Compose file format were merged into th...