2、编写docker-compose.yml文件; 3、运行docker-compose up启动服务 示例 准备工作:提前下载好镜像: docker pull mysql docker pull wordpress 1. 2. 需要新建一个空白目录,例如wptest。新建一个docker-compose.yml version: '2' services: web: image: wordpress:latest links: - db ports: - "8002:80" env...
docker-compose up --scale service3=0 This starts all the services except service3 The down side to this approach is that the image for the service you are trying to skip will still be downloaded if it does not already exist. It would still be nice for a more official solution for this...
The following example shows a single Docker Compose service with a volume: services: frontend: image: node:lts volumes: - myapp:/home/node/app volumes: myapp: Running docker compose up for the first time creates a volume. Docker reuses the same volume when you run the command subsequently. ...
docker-compose-v2 docker-doc podman-docker Moreover, Docker Engine depends oncontainerdandrunc. Docker Engine bundles these dependencies as one bundle:containerd.io. If you have installed thecontainerdorruncpreviously, uninstall them to avoid conflicts with the versions bundled with Docker Engine. ...
up Create and start containers version Show the Docker-Compose version information docker-compose up 创建并启动容器 Usage: up [options] [--scale SERVICE=NUM...] [SERVICE...] Options: # 在后台运行容器,打印容器名称,不能和 --abort-on-container-exit 以及 --timeout 同时使用 ...
Docker-Compose将所管理的容器分为三层,分别是工程(project),服务(service)以及容器(container)。 Docker-Compose运行目录下的所有文件(docker-compose.yml,extends文件或环境变量文件等)组成一个工程,若无特殊指定工程名即为当前目录名。一个工程当中可包含多个服务,每个服务中定义了容器运行的镜像,参数...
service是docker-compose的概念,container是docker的概念 一个service可以存在多个container,对应到docker ps就是多个container,docker ps无法查看service的名字 同一个service下面可以起多个相同的容器docker-compose up --scale sms_server=5 不能指定container_name,指定就无法起,默认使用<当前路径名>_<service name>_<...
Docker-Compose项目是Docker官方的开源项目,负责实现对Docker容器集群的快速编排。 Docker-Compose将所管理的容器分为三层,分别是工程(project),服务(service)以及容器(container)。Docker-Compose运行目录下的所有文件(docker-compose.yml,extends文件或环境变量文件等)组成一个工程,若无特殊指定工程名即为当前目录名。一个...
$ docker-compose up 【局限性】 1.创建镜像 If you want to use Compose to scale the service in question to multiple nodes, build the image, push it to a registry such as Docker Hub, and reference it from docker-compose.yml: $ docker build-t myusername/web.$ docker push myusername/web...
Description Disclaimer: I think the major change in behavior might be intentionally done but in that case, there should be an option to use docker-compose v1's behavior. In docker-compose v1, when you use docker-compose restart <service ...