docker service docker stack docker swarm docker system docker trust docker version docker volume API reference Build checks Compose file reference Home/Reference/CLI reference/docker/docker compose/docker compose down DescriptionStop and remove containers, networks ...
可以通过一个简单的命令docker-compose down停止所有服务; 当一个服务需要的时候,可以很简单地通过--scale进行扩容; Docker Compose有以下特征: 更高的可移植性,Docker Compose仅需一个docker-compse up可以完成按照依赖关系启动所有服务,然后使用docker-compose down轻松将其拆解。帮助我们更轻松地部署复杂的应用程序; ...
Options:#指定 Compose 模板文件,默认为 docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定-f, --file FILE Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)#指定项目名称,默认将使用所在目录名称作为项目名-p, --project-name NAME Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)#输出更多调试信息...
#安装docker以及python/python3# centos使用命令 yum -y install python-pip/python3-pip安装pippip install -U docker-compose 或者pip3 install -U docker-compose 2.3、二进制包 # 下载二进制包: 下载后直接放到执行路径即可#下载docker-compose-Linux-x86_64cp d...
If a service can run without privileges, useUSERto change to a non-root user. Start by creating the user and group in the Dockerfile with something like the following example: RUNgroupadd -r postgres&&useradd --no-log-init -r -g postgres postgres ...
使用Compose 命令运行应用 在docker-compose.yml 目录下运行 启动容器 docker-compose up -d -v my-service# 可选参数 -d 后台启动 -v 删除容器卷 my-service 只操作里面指定服务 关闭/删除容器 docker-composedown 重启服务 docker-compose restart
Docker compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file to configure the application's services, networks, and volumes.
convert Converts the compose file to platform's canonical format cp Copy files/folders between a service container and the local filesystem create Createscontainersfor a service. down Stop and remove containers, networks events Receive real time events from containers. ...
but when I’m using docker-compose down again, the data seems doesn’t persist. the volume is still there when I list them using docker volume ls but when re-running docker-compose up the data is gone. but when I just stopping the container docker-compose stop and re-run the se...
收起 docker compose的安装和卸载 1、安装 2、卸载 3、使用 docker compose的安装和卸载 1、安装 在 ...