Process finished with exit code 15 Please handle this as very high priority as this error makes WSL2 projects with docker compose to unable to work with, and the fix is probably just to escape the $ character (but it has to be done by the IDE). I have tried to ...
1Usage:2docker-compose [-f<arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]3docker-compose -h|--help45Options:6-f, --file FILE #指定一个用于替换默认的yml配置文件,默认为docker-compose.yml7-p, --project-name NAME #指定一个用于替换默认的项目名称,默认为当前目录名8--verbose #显示更多输出9--l...
15、docker-compose pause docker-compose pause [SERVICE...] 暂停一个服务容器 16、docker-compose kill docker-compose kill [options] [SERVICE...] 通过发送SIGKILL信号来强制停止服务容器。 支持通过-s参数来指定发送的信号,例如通过如下指令发送SIGINT信号: docker-compose kill -s SIGINT 17、dokcer-compose ...
Added the Container / Compose icon as well as the exposed port(s) / exit code to the Containers screen. Updated the Docker theme palette colour values to match our design system. Improved an error message from docker login if Registry Access Management is blocking the Docker engine's access ...
15、docker-compose pause docker-compose pause [SERVICE...]暂停一个服务容器 16、docker-compose kill docker-compose kill [options] [SERVICE...]通过发送SIGKILL信号来强制停止服务容器。 支持通过-s参数来指定发送的信号,例如通过如下指令发送SIGINT信号:docker-compose kill -s SIGINT ...
This is similar to using the -t or --timeout option with the docker compose up command. Exit code Return the exit code of the selected service container. Whenever a container in the selected service stops, return its exit code and stop all other containers in the service. This is similar...
运行此命令以下载Docker Compose的当前稳定版本 运行此工具时出现问题0x800701b1,这个错误是我在装VS2012的时候遇到的,在错误日志中发现了这个错误代码--0x80070643。通过长时间的查找资料和尝试,我基本搞明白了0x80070643的大致原因和解决办法,顺便记录下来。这个问题
➜ ~ docker-compose help [1] 33633 abort docker-compose help ➜ ~ echo $? 134 The exit code appears to be SIGABT (128 +6),possibly the result of a failed assertion. I am using docker-compose stable version 1.24.1 installed via Homebrew, on macOS Catalina 10.15. ...
一、docker compose 服务依赖 使用depends_on关键字 version: services:flask: build: - REDIS_HOST= - REDIS_PASS= healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "localhost:5000"] interval: 30s timeout: 3s retries: 3 start_period: 40s - redis-server networks: - backend - frontend networks...
Docker-Compose 运行目录下的所有文件(docker-compose.yml、extends文件或环境变量文件等)组成一个工程,若无特殊指定工程名即为当前目录名。 Docker Compose 的核心就是其配置文件,采用 YAML 格式,默认为docker-compose.yml。 docker-compose.yml 语法说明