如何让 docker-compose 在我的测试成功运行时返回零退出代码,在测试失败时返回非零退出代码? 编辑: 在调试模式下运行以下 docker-compose 命令后,我注意到 b-db 似乎在关闭时遇到了一些问题,并且可能因此收到来自 Docker 的 SIGKILL 信号。 docker-compose --log-level DEBUG up --build --exit-code-from combi...
docker-compose ES8.1.1集群实践问题总结 1、escluster_es01_1 exited with code 137 这个是内存不够用的问题,如果设置了如ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g这种内存限制参数,可以取消试试,实际测试中,虚拟机加到了8G的内存,原本4G内存无法启动。当然,也可以尝试把参数的值调高,这个没有去测试,理论上可行。 2、...
"docker-compose up“无法生成,命令'/bin/sh -c pipenv install‘返回非零代码:1 Xcode:命令LinkStoryboards失败,退出代码为非零 错误Dockerfile返回非零代码: 127 java中返回非零 CalledProcessError:命令'['convert','--version']‘返回非零退出状态1 ...
问题在一个 python 镜像中, 要用到 pip install -r requirements {代码...} 但是在构建镜像的过程中, 正常情况下, docker 会将容器内一切信息打印出来.但 bui...
docker-compose down <container-id> Note:sometimesdocker stopcan also result in exit code 137. This typically happens if the application tied to the container doesn’t handle SIGTERM — the docker daemon waits ten seconds then issues SIGKILL ...
➜ ~ docker-compose help [1] 33633 abort docker-compose help ➜ ~ echo $? 134 The exit code appears to be SIGABT (128 +6),possibly the result of a failed assertion. I am using docker-compose stable version 1.24.1 installed via Homebrew, on macOS Catalina 10.15. ...
When running docker compose up and Docker Desktop is in the Resource Saver mode, the command is unresponsive. As a workaround, manually exit the Resource Saving mode and Docker Compose becomes responsive again. When Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) is enabled, Docker Desktop may not enter Resou...
Description of the issue the docker-compose command exits with code 134 and an abort message, regardless of any option. This happens only with docker-compose installed via pip in the virtualenv, it doesn't happen when installed via brew ...
If you want to force Compose to stop and recreate all containers, use the--force-recreateflag. If the process encounters an error, the exit code for this command is1. If the process is interrupted usingSIGINT(ctrl + C) orSIGTERM, the containers are stopped, and the exit code is0. ...