Options:-f, --file FILE Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml) 指定使用的 Compose 模板文件,默认为docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定-p, --project-name NAME Specify an alternate project name(default: directory name)指定项目名称,默认将使用所在目录名称作为项目名--verbose Show ...
A Docker Compose command, like a docker run command, launches the services in the foreground by default. To execute this in the background, use the vom compose-up command with the -d or we can also use the —detach option. Now let us move ahead to the main topic. Docker Compose Deta...
userdeMBP:compose-haproxy-web user$ docker-compose --help ... Options: -f, --file FILE Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml) 指定使用的 Compose 模板文件,默认为docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定 -p, --project-name NAME Specify an alternate project name(default: direc...
$docker compose run --no-deps web python manage.py shell If you want to remove the container after running while overriding the container’s restart policy, use the--rmflag: $docker compose run --rm web python manage.py db upgrade
If you want to force Compose to stop and recreate all containers, use the `--force-recreate` flag. Usage: up [options] [--scale SERVICE=NUM...] [SERVICE...] Options: -d, --detach Detached mode: Run containers in the background, ...
Your customization applies to all containers started in with your Docker client. Users can override your custom or the default key sequence on a per-container basis. To do this, the user specifies the--detach-keysflag with thedocker attach,docker exec,docker runordocker startcommand. ...
Selected services: By default, Docker Compose attaches to all started containers of the specified services. None: Don't attach to any containers. This is similar to using the -d or --detach option with the docker compose up command. Selected and dependencies: Attach to containers of the speci...
如果不想启动链接服务,请使用 `docker-compose run --no-deps SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]`. Usage: run [options] [-v VOLUME...] [-p PORT...] [-e KEY=VAL...] [-l KEY=VALUE...] [--] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...] Options: -d, --detach 独立模式: 在后台运行容器,打印新的容器...
[root@localhost ~]# docker-composebuild config downexeckillpause ps pushrmscale stop up bundle create eventshelplogs port pull restart run start unpause version 发现已经可以自动提示了。 安装Compose命令补全工具遇到的错误 [root@docker~]# curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/compose/$...
docker compose up This will start up the containers in the current window. By default the containers will log direct to this window with each container using a different colour. You could also use the -d "detach mode" option ie:docker compose up -dif you wished to use the current window...