在“detached”模式(-d)中,启动容器后Compose退出,但是容器继续在后台运行。 该docker-compose run命令用于运行“一次性”或“临时”任务。它需要您要运行的服务名称,并且仅启动正在运行的服务所依赖的服务的容器。 使用run运行测试或执行管理任务,如删除或添加数据的数据量的容器。该run命令的行为类似于docker run -...
Docker-compose命令大体上和docker命令类似,除了一些给多容器应用的使用的附加指令。尤其是下面这些命令,和docker命令很类似: docker-compose up / down docker-compose up 用于创建并运行容器. 在detached( -d )模式下, 启动容器之后Compose会退出, 但是容器还在后台运行。 docker-compose up -d rabbit-mq 1. doc...
docker builder docker buildx docker checkpoint docker compose docker config docker container docker container attach docker container commit docker container cp docker container create docker container diff docker container export docker container inspect docker container kill docker container logs dock...
启动Docker 容器时,首先要决定是要在后台以“分离”模式还是默认前台模式运行容器: -d=false: Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container id 1. detached (-d) 要以分离模式启动容器,您可以使用-d=true或只是-d选项。按照设计,当用于运行容器的根进程退出时,容器以分离模式启动,除非...
Run in detached mode This is great so far, but your sample application is a web server and you don't have to be connected to the container. Docker can run your container in detached mode or in the background. To do this, you can use the--detachor-dfor short. Docker starts your co...
这里的[OPTIONS] –it 与“docker run”命令中的相同。 更多[OPTIONS]和[ARG...]的示例如下所示: docker exec -d -w /temp ubuntu_bash touch my_file.sh -w 后跟目录或文件路径,您可以说明要在哪个工作目录中运行命令; -d 或–detached 表示容器将以分离模式运行,因此您仍然可以继续将终端会话和在后台运...
这里的[OPTIONS] –it 与“docker run”命令中的相同。 更多[OPTIONS]和[ARG...]的示例如下所示: docker exec -d -w /temp ubuntu_bash touch my_file.sh -w 后跟目录或文件路径,您可以说明要在哪个工作目录中运行命令; -d 或–detached 表示容器将以分离模式运行,因此您仍然可以继续将终端会话和在后台运...
docker-compose seems to offer a great opportunity to start-up a solution which is based on a set of Docker containers. It would be great if it would work in exactly the same manner as docker run. However, it does not seem to do so regarding its networking behaviour. I have a, unfortu...
当执行docker run时可以设定的资源如下: Detached vs Foreground Container Identification IPC Setting Network Settings Clean Up (--rm) Runtime Constraints on CPU and Memory Runtime Privilege,LinuxCapabilities, and LXC Configuration 我们依次进行介绍。
detached mode.--service-portsRun command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host.-TDisable pseudo tty allocation. By default a tty is allocated.scaleSet number of containers to run for a service. Numbers are specified in the formservice=numas arguments. # docker-compose ...