服务工作原理:https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/how-swarm-mode-works/services/ 负载均衡:假设集群有10个节点,创建的服务只在其中一个节点启动,连接另外9个节点同样会被路由过来;若10个节点都启动服务,所有客户端只连接其中一个节点,同样会被均衡的路由到10个节点。 1. 创建服务 [root@jhdocker ~]# dock...
To enable or disable Manage Synchronized file shares with Compose, Access experimental features and Manage Synchronized file shares with Compose have to be checked or unchecked at the same time. The Docker CLI will sometimes hang when running a container with the autoremove option (--rm) if the...
Finally, let’s use thedocker-compose pscommands to check the status of the services: $ docker-compose ps NAME COMMAND SERVICE STATUS PORTS demo_app1_container"/bin/sh -c /app1.sh"app1 running (healthy) demo_app2_container"/bin/sh -c /app2.sh"app2 running ...
}# Outputs a list of all defined services, regardless of their running state.# Arguments for `docker-compose ps` may be passed in order to filter the service list,# e.g. `status=running`.__docker_compose_services() { __docker_compose_q ps --services"$@"}# Applies completion of serv...
services: webfrontend: image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}webfrontend build: context: . dockerfile: WebFrontEnd/Dockerfile mywebapi: image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}mywebapi build: context: . dockerfile: MyWebAPI/Dockerfile 將快取新增至 docker-compose.yml 檔案: yml 複製 redis: image: redis 請確定縮排...
如果使用 build指令,在 Dockerfile 中设置的选项(例如:CMD, EXPOSE, VOLUME, ENV 等) 将会自动被获取,无需在 docker-compose.yml 中重复设置。 version: "3.9" # optional since v1.27.0 services: web: build: . #指定为构建镜像的上下文路径,以当前目录所有文件进行镜像构建,读取./Dockerfile文件...
提示:可以看到我们直接使用docker-compose up -d 就可以直接启动为一个nginx容器;这里需要注意一点的是在执行docker-compose命令必须要在docker-compose.yml所在目录执行。因为docker-compose这个工具会在在当前目录查找docker-compose.yml的配置文件;然后根据docker-compose.yml文件中定义的services来启动容器;docker-compose...
When running docker-compose after an update, it will return command not found. As a workaround, you can create the following symlink: sudo ln -sf /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/cli-plugins/docker-compose /usr/local/bin/docker-compose ...
2 docker-compose.yml 已有三个版本,建议使用version3。 2.1 核心概念 2.1.1 Services 一个service代表一个container,这个container可以从dockerhub的image来创建或从本地的Dockerfile build出来的image来创建。 Service的启动类似docker run,我们可以给其指定network和volume,所以可以给service指定network和Volume的引用。
一个docker-compose.yml的实例文件如下 version: "3" services: nginx: container_name: web-n...