docker compose run 命令允许你在单个服务上执行任务,如运行一次性命令或调试。 与docker compose up 的区别在于,run 命令只会运行指定的服务,不会启动依赖它的其他服务。 语法 docker compose run[OPTIONS]SERVICE[COMMAND][ARGS...] SERVICE:Compose 文件中定义的服务名称。 COMMAND和ARGS:可选参数,指定要在容器内...
Dear Members, I am running the docker-compose or ‘make build’ command. The docker-compose.yml file has few services in the order CLI > Nginx > PHP > MariaDB Within each service section, using the dockerfile property, …
The following example shows a single Docker Compose service with a volume: services:frontend:image:node:ltsvolumes:-myapp:/home/node/appvolumes:myapp: Runningdocker compose upfor the first time creates a volume. Docker reuses the same volume when you run the command subsequently. ...
Docker Compose v2.27.0 Docker Engine v26.1.1 Wasm runtimes: Updated runwasi shims to v0.4.0 Updated deislabs shims to v0.11.1 Updated spin shim to v0.13.1 Docker Scout CLI v1.8.0 Docker Debug v0.0.29 Linux kernel v6.6.26 Go 1.22.2 ...
在本教程中,你将了解如何管理多个容器,并在 Visual Studio 中使用容器工具时进行通信。 管理多个容器需要 容器业务流程,并且需要 Docker Compose 或 Service Fabric 等业务流程协调程序。 对于这些过程,请使用 Docker Compose。 Docker Compose 非常适合开发周期中的本地调试和测试。在...
Lastly, rundocker compose upand Compose will start and run your entire app. A Compose file looks like this: services:web:build:.ports: -"5000:5000"volumes: -.:/coderedis:image:redis Want to help develop Docker Compose? Check out ourcontributing documentation. ...
'Run a Docker Compose command'# 'Build services' | 'Push services' | 'Run services' | 'Run a specific service' | 'Lock services' | 'Write service image digests' | 'Combine configuration' | 'Run a Docker Compose command'. Required. Action. Default: Run a Docker Compose command.#...
Select theDocker daemon connectionto use for the run configuration. Compose files Specify the compose files that define the necessary services. Docker Compose builds the configuration in the specified order, so any subsequent files override and add to the fields of the same service in previous files...
version: Specifies the version of Docker Compose syntax to use. services: Defines the different containers (services) in your application. web: A service using the nginx image, exposing port 80. db: A service using the Postgres image with an environment variable to set the database password. ...
通过docker-compose文件来运行一系列镜像容器。 下面分别介绍docker run及docker-compose。 容器的状态关系 容器的使用当中,我们在容器外还需要知道容器的状态,容器共有7种状态,分别是: created(已创建) restarting(重启中) running或up(运行中) removing(迁移中) ...