The Extensions SDK now allows ddClient.extension.vm.cli.exec,, ddClient.docker.cli.exec to accept a different working directory and pass environment variables through the options parameters. Added a small improvement to navigate to the Extensions Marketplace when clicki...
The Extensions SDK now allows ddClient.extension.vm.cli.exec,, ddClient.docker.cli.exec to accept a different working directory and pass environment variables through the options parameters. Added a small improvement to navigate to the Extensions Marketplace when clicki...
parameters/enabled 2> /dev/null)" = 'Y' ]; then echo -n '- ' if command -v apparmor_parser &> /dev/null; then wrap_good 'apparmor' 'enabled and tools installed' else wrap_bad 'apparmor' 'enabled, but apparmor_parser missing' echo -n ' ' if command -v apt-get &> /dev/...
docker容器就是一个虚拟机。(不准确!!!) 每个虚拟化应用程序不仅包括应用程序(可能只有数十MB)以及必要的二进制文件和库,还包括整个客户机操作系统(可能重数十GB)。 Docker容器仅包含应用程序及其依赖项。它在主机操作系统上的用户空间中作为隔离进程运行,与其他容器共享内核。因此,它具有虚拟机的资源隔离和分配优势,...
The default uid and gid used by the image may map to surprising counterparts in the host. If you need to match uid and gid in the container and in the host, you can use build parametersLDAP_OPENLDAP_UIDandLDAP_OPENLDAP_GIDto set uid and gid explicitly: ...
The following figure shows the command output. Nodes Run the following command to view the parameters in the directory of the GPU. In this example, the 0 GPU directory is used. ls /proc/cgpu_km/0 The following figure shows the command output. ...
The following table provides a description of the parameters in the previousdocker runexample: ParameterDescription -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"Set theACCEPT_EULAvariable to any value to confirm your acceptance of the End-User Licensing Agreement. Required setting for the SQL Server image. ...
Three primary parameters for all Azure AI containers are required. The Microsoft Software License Terms must be present with a value of accept. An Endpoint URI and API key are also needed.Endpoint URIThe {ENDPOINT_URI} value is available on the Azure portal Overview page of the cor...
docker run-p12345:3306--name mysql-v/zzyyuse/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d-v/zzyyuse/mysql/logs:/logs-v/zzyyuse/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql-eMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456-d mysql:5.6命令说明:-p12345:3306:将主机的12345端口映射到docker容器的3306端口。--name mysql:运行服务名字-v/zzyyuse/mysql...
RabbitMQ官网: 机器配置: Linux 7.4.1708 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64 docker 20.10.12 build e91ed57 docker-compose 1.29.2 build 5becea4c Redis 6.0 MySQL 5.7 MongoDB 5.0.1 RabbitMQ 3.8.19-management Nacos 1.4.0/2.0.3 Nginx 1.14.0 ...