Windows 10 Home China Edition: CoreCountrySpecific Id: 2009 Build: 22631 BuildLabName: 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250 File: C:\ProgramData\DockerDesktop\install-log-admin.txt CommandLine: "Docker Desktop Installer.exe" install --installation-dir=D:\software\Docker You can send feedback...
先确认你的系统能不能安装wsl2,不能就赶紧放弃(我是22H2) Windows 11 64-bit: Home or Pro version 21H2 or higher, or Enterprise or Education version 21H2 or higher. Windows 10 64-bit: We recommend Home or Pro 22H2 (build 19045) o...
sudo ~/docker-relay & Now, run a docker command to test the waters. You should be greeted by the same output as if you ran the command from Windows (and note you don’t need ‘sudo’ prefixed to the command, either!) Volume Mounting If you’re wondering how volume mounting works...
If using the Windows Command Prompt: start /w"""Docker Desktop Installer.exe"install By default, Docker Desktop is installed atC:\Program Files\Docker\Docker. Theinstallcommand accepts the following flags: --quiet: Suppresses information output when running the installer ...
接下来我们以在 Windows 中安装 Docker 为例进行介绍,其他环境类似。 3.1、🍑 启用 Windows 虚拟化 打开任务管理器,点击性能,查看虚拟化是否已启用,如下图所示: 3.2、🍒 启用 Hyper-v 打开控制面板,点击程序和功能,点击启用或关闭 Windows 功能,勾选Hyper-v,确定即可(安装完 Hyper-v 后,可能需要重启电脑),...
通过运行hello-world镜像来验证Docker Engine是否已正确安装。 2.2 命令执行流程图 docker run hello-world命令执行流程图如下。 三、镜像相关命令及其基本操作 官方文档: 3.1 登录私有镜像仓库 命令格式:docker login [选项] [镜像仓库URL] ...
Learn how to install Docker for Mac, Windows, or Linux and explore our developer tools. Get started Containerize your first app Develop a solid understanding of the Docker basics with our step-by-step developer guide. Learn Docker Publish your image on Docker Hub ...
默认情况下,当 Docker 守护程序终止时,它会关闭正在运行的容器。从 Docker-ce 1.12 开始,可以在配置文件中添加 live-restore 参数,以便在守护程序变得不可用时容器保持运行。需要注意的是 Windows 平台暂时还是不支持该参数的配置。 # Keep containers alive during daemon downtime ...
假设我们在目标机器和jenkins机器上都已经安装了Docker。 通过Docker -v进行验证。当然,如果你只是想在本地测试,在自己的电脑上安装docker环境。 那么,我们可以通过类似docker build --force-rm -t .来构建镜像,上面👆的意思是: ...
Docker Desktop has removed the ability to log in using email address as a username as the Docker command line does not support this. For Linux containers on Windows (LCOW), at least one physical computer running Windows 10 Professional or Windows 10 Enterprise version 1809 or later is required...