可以在 Dockerfile 中设置它: FROMubuntu:latestCOPYstart.sh /app/start.shRUNchmod +x /app/start.shCMD["/app/start.sh"] 1. 2. 3. 4. 通过RUN chmod +x确保脚本具备执行权限。如果在运行容器前未设置该权限,容器运行时将会提示 “No such file or directory”。 3. 构建检查 确保Docker 构建过程没...
WORKDIR $KAFKA_HOME CMD "bin/kafka-server-start.sh ../config/server.properties" 报错: [root@localhost ~]# docker logs d467bde78dcb /bin/sh: bin/kafka-server-start.sh ../config/server.properties: No such file or directory 原因:路径错误 解决: # 安装 kafka ADD kafka_2.12-2.4.1.tgz /...
构建镜像运行容器运行CMD命令 总结 通过按照上述步骤进行操作,我们可以成功解决"Dockerfile CMD报错no such file"的问题。首先,我们创建一个Dockerfile文件,并在其中指定工作目录。然后,我们将可执行文件从主机拷贝到容器内部的工作目录。最后,我们使用CMD指令来运行可执行文件。通过这个流程,我们可以确保容器内部能够找到并...
CMD ["/bin/bash"] https://github.com/CentOS/sig-cloud-instance-images/blob/f32666d2af356ed6835942ed753a4970e18bca94/docker/Dockerfile 复制到一个Dockerfile文件中 然后执行 docker build -t sssss/ecs6.8 执行到第三步时提示lastat c68-docker.tar.xz:no such file or directory docker 版本信息...
Docker启动容器出现No Such File Or Directory排查 dockerfile如下 代码语言:shell 复制 FROM alpine ADD test-backend /test-backend RUNln-sf/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime&&echo'Asia/Shanghai'>/etc/timezone EXPOSE7099CMD["./test-backend","pro"]...
I do a Dockerfile to put my development in production. However when I run my docker I have this following error : http: panic serving xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx: open views/public/index.html: no such file or directory My mistake is in my Dockerfile but I don't see where.. My Dockerfil...
["/bin/bash"]https://github.com/CentOS/sig-cloud-instance-images/blob/f32666d2af356ed6835942ed753a4970e18bca94/docker/Dockerfile 复制到一个Dockerfile文件中然后执行 docker build -t sssss/ecs6.8执行到第三步时提示lastat c68-docker.tar.xz:no such file or directorydocker 版本信息如下:操作系统...
I'm receiving an error from docker when I run my docker file. It's saying the /var/lib/docker/aufs/layers/xxxx: no such file or directory when I run Docker build . I have tried numerous ways to remove containers and images so I'm pretty much stock on this one. Any The Docker...
第一种的CMD的命令执行是直接写命令的,并且PID不为1,也无法接收信号(接收信号的必然是pid为1的超级管理进程),docker stop也无法停止。 第二种直接启动为ID为1的进程,可接受处理shell信号的。 第三种则用于ENTRYPOINT指令提供默认参数 编写Dockerfile 如,创建目录后追加文件,最后用CMD直接调用httpd启动 ...
rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:75: starting setns process caused \"fork/exec /proc/self/exe: no such file or directory\""