但请注意,docker cp 命令的错误通常不会记录在容器的日志中,因此这一步可能不会提供太多帮助。不过,它仍然是一个值得尝试的步骤,特别是当你怀疑有其他与容器运行相关的问题时。 示例 以下是一个完整的示例,演示如何使用 docker cp 命令将本地文件复制到容器中,并处理可能的 "no such directory" 错误: ...
如果命令返回了目录的内容,就说明目录存在。如果返回"no such file or directory"的错误,那么就意味着目录不存在。 2. 检查容器的名称是否正确 如果我们在使用docker cp命令时指定了错误的容器名称,那么Docker就无法找到指定的容器,从而导致"no such directory"的错误。我们可以使用docker ps命令来列出当前正在运行的容...
docker cp mycontainer:/app/data /tmp/data 1. 使用绝对路径 为了避免路径错误,我们建议在使用docker cp命令时使用绝对路径。这样可以确保路径的准确性,避免出现no such directory的错误。 示例 下面是一个示例,演示了如何使用docker cp命令将本地文件复制到容器中: docker cp /path/to/local/file mycontainer:/...
Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir//mydir: no such file or directory Although I would expect this behavior for thelinux cpcommand, the Docker documentation implies thatdocker cpshould create the destination directory in the container. Here’s the relevant behavioral descript...
[root@master ~]# vim index.html[root@master ~]# docker cp index 1d:/usr/share/nginx/htmllstat /root/index: no such file or directory [root@master ~]# docker cp index.html 1d:/usr/share/nginx/html/[root@master ~]#root@1d06decda260:/usr/share/nginx/html# curl localhost:80<!DOCT...
docker cp: Error: No such container:path: #2598 New issue Open Description christian-be opened on Jun 23, 2020 Description I'm trying to copy a sub-directory into a Windows container (Hyper-VM, stopped) and get this error message. It seems to me, docker cp does not behave like docum...
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused “exec: "/pipeline/source/app/docker_entrypoint.sh": stat /pipeline/source/app/docker_entrypoint.sh: no such file or directory”: unknown. ...
[root@iZuf65oftugvcjgk2jncyeZ ~]# docker cp 7020acf78fbd:/home/test.md /home [root@iZuf65oftugvcjgk2jncyeZ ~]# ls [root@iZuf65oftugvcjgk2jncyeZ ~]# cd home -bash: cd: home: No such file or directory [root@iZuf65oftugvcjgk2jncyeZ ~]# ls [root@iZuf65oftugvcjgk2jncyeZ ...
{"log":"2019/05/23 02:59:09 [error] 6#6: *2 open() \"/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico\" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: localhost, request: \"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1\", host: \"\", referrer: \"http://59.47.71....