export mail_text="docker被发现于$now停止运行"dockerps -a|grep你的docker containerid|awk'{ if (!(/Up/)) { system("/home/xxx/send_mail.sh") }}' 然后记得将send_mail.sh和check_docker_status.sh的脚本添加可执行属性。 最后添加到crontab中: crontab -e00* * * * /home/xxx/check_docker_s...
在设定好health check指令之后,接着启动container,检查container状态时可以看到初始状态是:health: starting 复制 $ docker psCONTAINERIDIMAGECOMMANDCREATEDSTATUSPORTSNAMES6c7b9ca321d2 api:1.0.0"uwsgi --ini /home/d…"5seconds ago Up2seconds(health:starting)>3000/tcp api 1. 2. 3. 过30...
- status=(created|restarting|running|paused|exited|dead),通过状态过滤(已创建/正在重启/正在运行/暂停/离开/死亡) - name=<string> a container's name 通过容器名 - id=<ID> a container's ID 通过容器id - is-task=(true|false) - containers that are a task (part of a service managed by swa...
usesDockerContainer+string id+string name+string status+start()+stop()+restart()DockerImage+string id+string repository 2. 甘特图 以下是一个简单的甘特图,表示重启Docker容器的过程: 2023-10-012023-10-012023-10-022023-10-022023-10-032023-10-032023-10-042023-10-042023-10-05Check exited stateQuery ...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 正如上面所输出的那样,一开始,我们的容器列表是空的。 ⒉.查看Docker的版本信息 执行docker version可以查看Docker 的版本信息。 C:Users Administrator>docker version Client: version:17.09.1-ce
Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type Error: failed to start containers: e669de809abb and with docker ps -a i have that the container has Status: Exited (127) . i tried many things like deleting rocker and docker, even following the error response but nothing...
The is the command that runs inside the container to check it’s health. If health check is enabled, then the container can have three states: starting –Initial status when the container is still starting healthy –If the command succeeds then the container is healthy unhealthy – If a sing...
Defined the sort order for container/compose Status column to running > some running > paused > some paused > exited > some exited > created. Fixed issues with the image list appearing empty in Docker Desktop even though there are images. Related to docker/for-win#12693 and docker/for-mac...
这样的输出应该保持简短(目前只存储前4096个字节)。 当容器的健康状态发生变化时,将生成一个具有新状态的health_status事件。 原文链接:https://k8scat.com/posts/docker-container-healthcheck/
Finally, let’s use thedocker-compose pscommands to check the status of the services: $ docker-compose ps NAME COMMAND SERVICE STATUS PORTS demo_app1_container"/bin/sh -c /app1.sh"app1 running (healthy) demo_app2_container"/bin/sh -c /app2.sh"app2 running ...