importrequests container_id="your_container_id"docker_api_url="http://localhost:2375/containers/{}/json".format(container_id)response=requests.get(docker_api_url)container_info=response.json()print("Container Status: {}".format(container_info["State"]["Status"]))print("Container CPU Usage: {...
print("Container ID: ", print("Container Name: ", print("Container Status: ", container.status) print("---") ``` 步骤5:获取单个容器的详细信息 ```python container = client.containers.get('container_id') print(container.attrs) ``` 步骤6:获取容器的日志 ``...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a1b2c3d4e5f6 nginx:latest "/dockerentrypoint.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours 80/tcp, 443/tcp webserver 在这个例子中,"STATUS"列显示的是"Up 2 hours",表示这个容器已经运行了2小时。 2. 使用docker inspect命令查看容器状态 docker inspect命令可以提...
to start the image, and then inside the container i type theexitcommand. doing docker ps -a i get the container with status Exit(0). the when i want to start the container i use docker start id getting this error: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime ...
其实,我们只要获得想要删除的container ID或者contain的名字,就可以直接删除了。 来看看,如何获取container ID或者名字: hell@hell:~/myip$dockercontainerls-aCONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ffe5eaca6b60 ubuntu:16.04"/bin/bash"22hours ago Up2hours client_setup ...
Configure container runtimes By default, the Docker daemon uses runc as a container runtime. You can configure the daemon to add additional runtimes. containerd shims installed on PATH can be used directly, without the need to edit the daemon's configuration. For example, if you install the Ka...
You caninstall the Docker Compose standaloneon Linux or on Windows Server. Product offeringsPricingAbout usSupportContribute Copyright © 2013-2024 Docker Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of ServiceStatusLegal Cookies Settings Theme:LightDark
Docker目前支持4种网络模式,分别是bridge、host、container、none,Docker开发者可以根据自己的需求来确定最适合自己应用场景的网络模式。 从Docker Container网络创建流程图中可以看到,创建流程第一个涉及的Docker模块即为Docker Client。当然,这也十分好理解,毕竟Docker Container网络环境的创建需要由用户发起,用户根据自身对...
Read our datasheet to learn how Docker Desktop simplifies container management so that you can bring features and products to market faster. Learn more Join our community Join the Docker community to connect with other developers, share knowledge, and get support. Engage in discussions, contribute ...
启动docker: systemctl start docker停止docker: systemctl stop docker重启docker: systemctl restart docker查看docker状态: systemctl status docker开机启动: systemctl enable docker查看docker概要信息: docker info查看docker总体帮助文档: docker --help查看docker命令帮助文档: docker 具体命令 --help ...