问题在一个 python 镜像中, 要用到 pip install -r requirements {代码...} 但是在构建镜像的过程中, 正常情况下, docker 会将容器内一切信息打印出来.但 bui...
当在使用Docker时,有时候会遇到命令返回非零代码的情况,其中返回代码137表示容器被强制终止。这种情况通常是由于容器内部的进程使用了过多的内存资源,导致系统强制终止容器以保护系统的稳定性。 要解决这个问题,可以采取以下几个步骤: 检查容器内部的进程是否使用了过多的内存资源。可以使用Docker的命令docker stats来查看...
The exit code is not from Docker, it is from the process in the container. ye, bithavoc, mm-au, omriShneor, daniilyar, raphalupi, Rmond, jaydorsey, kyleian, Stunner, and 26 more reacted with thumbs up emojigiorgiosironi, Issawat, and tohigu reacted with laugh emoji ...
Build: 🔎 Error message validated:[##[error]Exit code 137 returned from process: file name '/usr/bin/docker', arguments 'exec -i -u 1000 -w /home/cloudtest_azpcontainer] ...
Removed a temporary compatibility fix for older versions of Visual Studio Code. Builds view: Changed icon for imported build record to a "files" icon. Improved the error message when trying to connect to an already connected Docker Build Cloud builder. Fixed an issue where build records would ...
HEALTHCHECK --interval=1m --timeout=3s CMD curl -f http://localhost/ ||exit1 CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]# 构建镜像、启动容器[root@localhost php-nginx-supervisord]# docker build -t php-nginx-supervisord .[root@localhost php-nginx-supervisord]# docker run -tid -p 8080:80 php-nginx-su...
version:'3'services:web:build:.ports:-"5000:5000"volumes:-.:/coderedis:image:"redis:alpine" 5)运行命令 $docker-compose up 6)停止服务 $docker-compose down 3快速创建博客 1)配置docker-compose.yml version:'2'services:db:image:mysql:5.7volumes:-"./data/db:/var/lib/mysql"ports:-"8080:3306...
1 docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t local-llm:v1 . Running the container The following command will start a new container running the local-llm:v1 Docker image and expose port 7860 on the host machine. The -e HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN="YOUR_VALUE_HERE" environment variable set...