在Docker环境中,当你看到“command terminated with non-zero exit code: error executing in docker container: 137”这样的错误信息时,通常意味着Docker容器中的进程被系统强制终止了。下面我将根据你的要求逐一解释和分析这个问题。 非零退出代码137的含义: 在Unix和类Unix系统中,进程退出状态码(Exit Status Code...
命令以非零退出代码终止:在Docker容器中执行错误: 137 (Mongo Manager) 、、 ed64653d5f@on-prem-4.0 in: 51476 (ms)在启用了调试级别的附加日志记录之后:command terminated with non-zero 浏览0提问于2019-04-25得票数 5 回答已采纳 6回答 在pip安装了出口代码137的要求后,docker生成失败。 、、、 当我...
Invalid Entrypoint or Command: If the container'sENTRYPOINTorCMDis incorrect, or not properly configured, it may cause the container to hang or crash, leading to the dreadedcontainer_nameexited with code 137 error message. What is exit code 137 The linux exit code 137 is aSIGKILL, it means ...
DEBUGorg.mongodb.driver.protocol.command[SLF4JLogger.java.debug:56]-Sending command{count:BsonString{value='config.customers'}}todatabase mmsdbconfig on connection[connectionId{localValue:13,serverValue:31}]to server mongo-db:270172019-04-27T13:46:35.480+0000[mms_Worker-31]DEBUGorg.mongodb.drive...
monointerpreter onlinux_86_64logbuild command: /src/tests/build.sh ci os browser wasm Release -mono /p:RuntimeVariant=monointerpreter /p:LibrariesConfiguration=Release we have only one log available from this lane. We have this older issue:[wasm] Runtime tests' build gets terminated withexite...
本地启动了一个sshd的容器服务,但该容器经常会被重启导致ssh连接失败,使用kubectl describe pod命令查看改命令发现有容器返回值为137,一般是系统环境原因,且一般为内存不足导致的,参见:Container exits with non-zero exit code 137 Started: Tue,20Nov201812:14:42+0800Last State: Terminated ...
The Docker CLI will sometimes hang when running a container with the autoremove option (--rm) if the container fails to start (e.g.: docker run --rm alpine invalidcommand). In this case, the CLI process may need to be manually killed. ...
The Docker CLI will sometimes hang when running a container with the autoremove option (--rm) if the container fails to start (e.g.: docker run --rm alpine invalidcommand). In this case, the CLI process may need to be manually killed. ...
This issue is rather strange. Processes which handle SIGTERM and SIGINT properly exit with exit code 137. This is the exit code shown in docker ps and this is the exit code printed by docker wait. Exit code 137 is usually the exit code o...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1. 2. 想想查看下docker日志吧。然后就出来一堆的东西,应该是redis数据持久化一些乱七八糟的,具体可以看下面.不过最重要的问题就在最下面几行,日志里面也提供了解决方案。 xxx@iZwz9isa7dpx6izf3br71hZ:~# docker logs --tail 300 4c38df7be60a ...