在Docker环境中,当你看到“command terminated with non-zero exit code: error executing in docker container: 137”这样的错误信息时,通常意味着Docker容器中的进程被系统强制终止了。下面我将根据你的要求逐一解释和分析这个问题。 非零退出代码137的含义: 在Unix和类Unix系统中,进程退出状态码(Exit Status Code...
Docker:命令返回非零代码:137 、、、 我的docker文件如下:FROM python:3.6CMD ["manage.py","runserver",""]sudodocker中的步骤如预期的那样成功运行,但之后我得到了错误: The command ' 浏览93提问于2020-02-08得票数1 回答已采纳 3回答...
DEBUGorg.mongodb.driver.protocol.command[SLF4JLogger.java.debug:56]-Sending command{count:BsonString{value='config.customers'}}todatabase mmsdbconfig on connection[connectionId{localValue:13,serverValue:31}]to server mongo-db:270172019-04-27T13:46:35.480+0000[mms_Worker-31]DEBUGorg.mongodb.drive...
The Docker CLI will sometimes hang when running a container with the autoremove option (--rm) if the container fails to start (e.g.: docker run --rm alpine invalidcommand). In this case, the CLI process may need to be manually killed. ...
本地启动了一个sshd的容器服务,但该容器经常会被重启导致ssh连接失败,使用kubectl describe pod命令查看改命令发现有容器返回值为137,一般是系统环境原因,且一般为内存不足导致的,参见:Container exits with non-zero exit code 137 Started: Tue,20Nov201812:14:42+0800Last State: Terminated ...
The Docker CLI will sometimes hang when running a container with the autoremove option (--rm) if the container fails to start (e.g.: docker run --rm alpine invalidcommand). In this case, the CLI process may need to be manually killed. ...
...terminated. # this is OK $ docker run -d jpetazzo/pgsql /init 56242ec60f02 $ docker stop 56242ec60f02 $ docker ps -l ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS 56242ec60f02 jpetazzo/pgsql:9.1 /init 3 minutes ago Exit 137
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1. 2. 想想查看下docker日志吧。然后就出来一堆的东西,应该是redis数据持久化一些乱七八糟的,具体可以看下面.不过最重要的问题就在最下面几行,日志里面也提供了解决方案。 xxx@iZwz9isa7dpx6izf3br71hZ:~# docker logs --tail 300 4c38df7be60a ...
"ExitCode": 137, "Error": "failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused", It seems to be related to start ordering issue. It should not be an issue with the "restart: always" policy.
notify('All tasks are starting.') try: block() except KeyboardInterrupt: die('Terminated.') if __name__ == '__main__': main_procedure() Loading...马建仓 AI 助手 Python 1 https://gitee.com/opengauss/openGauss-DBMind.git git@gitee.com:opengauss/openGauss-DBMind.git opengauss...