target 'test-project-3' do # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks! # Pods for test-project-3 pod 'mysdk', :path => '/Users/ajay.d.dubey/workspace-2/swift/Blog_SWIFT_1.0.01209182890182739216' end No diretório raiz do projeto XCode, execut...
JustPersist is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: pod "JustPersist/Skopelos" # or pod "JustPersist/MagicalRecord" Using only pod JustPersist will add the core pod with no subspecs and you'll have to implement your own wrapper to use...
Siesta requires Swift 3, so make sure you haveXcode 8. (Use theswift-2.xbranches if you haven’t made the big migration yet.) CocoaPods In yourPodfile: pod 'Siesta', '~> 1.0' If you want to use the UI helpers: pod 'Siesta/UI', '~> 1.0' ...
you may find yourself staring at the need to call an async function from a standard synchronous function, and you don’t want to (or have the time for more likely) to go back and retrofit all of the calling functions with async/await functionality. Well brother, do I have a deal for ...
Now we have all the visual elements ready, and we just need them to be able to “do things.” We want the button to be responsive to clicks, and when it’s clicked it will add a new todo to the list. We’ll do this the same way we would do it in a regular Vue app. ...
public class App extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); DoraemonKit.install(this); } } Product Manual If you want to know more details about DoKit, please visit License DoraemonKit is available under the Apache-2.0 license. See...
And if you want to contribute for this project, please contact me as well GitHub : StackOverflow : JianShu : SegmentFault :
CocoapodsCocoaPods is the recommended way to add MBProgressHUD to your project.Add a pod entry for MBProgressHUD to your Podfile pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 0.8' Install the pod(s) by running pod install. Include MBProgressHUD wherever you need it with #import "MBProgressHUD.h"....
Install it and exclude the folder you want to skip: fengniao --exclude Pods fastlane SnapshotTests DerivedData #20: Speed up WWDC Videos If you want to increase the video play rate of the sessions of WWDC, open Safari Dev Tools and type the following into the console. You'll see the ...
If any non-basic property of a class/struct could not conform to HandyJSON/HandyJSONEnum or you just do not want to do the deserialization with it, you should exclude it in the mapping function. class NotHandyJSONType { var dummy: String? } class Cat: HandyJSON { var id: Int64! var na...