To use this library, you need the following: iOS 8+ Xcode 7+ CocoaPod If you haven't done so already, Install CocoaPods on your computer by opening a terminal window and running the following command shell Copy sudo gem install cocoapods Next, in the project directory (the directory ...
使用CocoaPods 安装包和依赖项 为应用程序创建 Podfile,如此示例所示: platform :ios, '13.0' use_frameworks! target 'AzureCommunicationCallingSample' do pod 'AzureCommunicationCalling', '~> 1.0.0' end 运行pod install。 使用Xcode 打开.xcworkspace。
CocoaPods:library not found for -lPods really unhappy! Dude, Iknowhowthat feels, cuz I've been there.Butwhen you find out what's going on...:// 智能推荐 Do you know what ‘VIP‘ stands for?
Steps to add playground support to your project: create a playground in you project create a dynamic framework target declare it in the Podfile, add all the dependencies that you have on your other target(s) pod install add your classes to the framework target (View > Utilities > Show...
iOS怎么安装CocoaPodsios怎么安装kodi 安装教程 是一个强大的流媒体播放软件,支持 macos, windows, linux,ios以及 android 等众多平台,使得其能在各种手机、电脑、平板以及机顶盒中运行。另外,Kodi 拥有上千种插件,大大扩展了它的功能。软件安装及中文界面设置安...
[links objectForKey:@"oneNoteWebUrl"] objectForKey:@"href"]; NSLog(@"Link to new page endpoint: %@\n", selfLink); NSLog(@"Link open page in the installed client: %@\n", clientUrl); NSLog(@"Link to open page in OneNote Online: %@\n", webUrl); } else { NSLog(@"Status ...
// Variables to store the response data. @property (strong, nonatomic) NSHTTPURLResponse *returnResponse; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableData *returnData; 将以下步骤中的所有代码添加到 ViewController.m 中的 @implementation 代码块。 不要担心在创建应用时看到的错误。 代码完成后,错误将会消失。