do/while 与 while 循环非常相似,区别在于表达式的值是在每次循环结束时检查,而不是在开始时检查。因此 do/while 循环能够保证至少执行一次循环,而 while 循环就不一定了,如果表达式的值为假,则直接终止循环不进入循环。语法格式如下: do statement while(expr) do/while循环语句的流程控制示意如图所示。 示例 针对...
while (condition); In while loop, the given condition is tested at the beginning, i.e. before executing any of the statements within the while loop. In case of do while loop the condition is tested after execution of the statements within the while loop. This means that do-while would e...
ylbtech-loop:流程控制(Process control)高级 if while do-while break与continue的区别? break continue JS:2.2.1,if返回顶部 for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { document.write("数字是 " + i) document.write("") } 解释: for 循环的步进值从 i=0 开始。 只要i 小于等于 5,循环就会继续运...
The JavaScript While Loop Tutorial Syntax do{ code block to be executed } while(condition); Parameters ParameterDescription conditionRequired. The condition for running the code block. Iftrue, the loop will start over again, otherwise it ends. ...
JS:设置超时时,do-while循环在函数上无限循环 我需要一个提示窗口,让用户输入一个数字。当设置一次函数(下面的代码)时,一切都可以,但这个提示窗口应该累积,直到一个整数(从200开始)的变量达到0,所以我认为do-while循环就可以了。但是,当设置do while循环时,输入数字后会立即显示提示窗口,并且不会更改任何内容。我...
Video: JavaScript while Loop Previous Tutorial: JS for Loop Next Tutorial: JS break Share on: Did you find this article helpful? Our premium learning platform, created with over a decade of experience and thousands of feedbacks. Learn and improve your coding skills like never before. Tr...
js基础--do/while循环 循环文章分类Html/CSS前端开发 do/while循环 语法: do{ //执行的代码 }while(条件) 1. 2. 3. 如果条件为真的话,会重复这个循环 注释:该循环至少会执行一次,即使条件是false!!! 参考:
let flag = true; do { console.log("In loop"); // 应该在这里设置flag为false来退出循环 } while (flag); // 如果flag始终为true,循环将不会退出 异步操作:如果在循环中使用了异步操作(如setTimeout、fetch等),可能会导致循环提前退出,因为异步操作不会阻塞代码的执行。
java do while 循环 2019-12-19 09:52 −public class Sample { public static void main(String[] args) { int num = 10; do { System.out.print(num + " "); } while (n... anobscureretreat 0 618 SAS--do loop until while 2019-11-11 10:38 −data work.earning; /*loop只发生在da...
Run JavaScript code from Python (EOL: - doloopwhile/PyExecJS