Gigante, E. (2010). La musica come forma di linguaggio assertivo. Psichiatria e Psicoterapia, 29, 4, pp. 262-279. Roma: Giovanni Fioriti Editore. Preso da:
While the impact of readability on the number of COVID-19 cases may seem quite low, there are reasons to believe it is significant: first because of the exponential nature of the pandemic, which may easily transform low figures into uncontrollable numbers, and second because readability is a g...
Tucidide e gli indovinelli degli indovini. Considerazioni sull'ambiguità del linguaggio oracolare, ArtículoTrading privacy for trust thanks to the linkage of pseudonyms has been proposed to mitigate the inherent conflict between trust and privacy. This necessitates fusionym, that is, the ...