2010. Do polyploids require proportionally less rDNA loci than their corresponding diploids? Examples from artemisia subgenera Absinthium and Artemisia (Asteraceae, Anthemideae). Plant Biosyst. 144: 841-848.Pellicer J, Garnatje T, Hidalgo O, Tagashira N, Valles J, Kondo K (2010) Do ...
Polyploids are often seen among different plants and in also some fishes. These organisms are generally fir and can acclimatize to their environment well. Current research shows diploid species; for example, humans have ancestors who are polyploids....
Chromosome pairing relationships in interspecific hybrids and in polyploid potato species have been interpreted by genome formulae, although authors gave them different symbols. According to these hypotheses, five genomes (A, B, C, D and P) are recognized in the tuber-bearing species of section ...
Although most natural polyploids known so far in animals are tetraploids, a few of them have other ploidies. Pure triploid animal populations composed of specimens of both sexes and using zygogenesis at each generation were long believed to be impossible, until their discovery in some populations...
Since the 1990s, nucleotide or amino acid sequences have been widely used for this and angiosperm phylogenetic analysis has advanced from using single or a combi- nation of a few organellar genes to whole plastid genome sequences, resulting in the widely accepted modern molecular systematics of ...
Keywords:Cymbidiumlowianum;polyploidinduction;colchicines 中国农学通报2010,26(13):261-266 ChineseAgriculturalScienceBulletin 中国农学通报http://.casb 导结合组织培养的方式创造了新种质,期望对碧玉兰 多倍体育种提供科学依据和技术基础。 1材料与方法
AAAA); 第二大类为双倍体(Amphiploids), 包括部 分异源多倍体(Segmental allopolyploid, A s A s A t A t )、 基因组异源多倍体(Genomic allopolyploid, AABB) 和同源异源多倍体(Autoallopolyploid, AAAABB)。 关于多倍体的分类到目前还没有一个最终的定 论 [21] ,目前广泛接受的说法是:同源多倍体是指在...
Shortly after the discovery of polyploidy, just over 100 years ago, it was suggested that polyploids generally have greater range sizes and occur in more extreme conditions than their diploid congeners. This suggestion is now widely accepted in the literature and is attributed to poly...
Many ornamental crops are polyploid or even exist at different ploidy levels. Polyploid QTL analysis tools have been developed in recent years, yet they are limited in the population types they accept. Biparental populations are nowadays being regarded as a limited tool for QTL discovery, as only...
Polyploids come out of the (evolutionary) closetNew research by botanists Douglas and Pamela Soltis shows autopolyploids are more prevalent in nature than what is normally believed. They have arrived at this conclusion after studying two allopolyploid species of the genus ...