Kolker, Robert
mankind to himself and let them into his presence, he had to become man (Jesus), live a sinless life and be brutally killed as a sacrifice to himself. But only those who believe in Jesus get to be with god after death. All unbelievers will go to hell where they will be tortured ...
For good souls the bridge is the path to heaven. Bad souls fall to perdition. The Tarot Belief Reincarnation has long been one of the esoteric tarots “hidden teachings”. Judaism – Orthodox Judaism Man has a soul. Believe in the future resurrection of the dead. If the person does not ...
If you’re going to worship one Roman God, you could still worship another. It doesn’t work like that. They’re inclusive. Christianity is exclusive. Follow Jesus and nobody else. You can’t serve two masters. And this rather than being a turnoff is something that was really attractive...
96 % of Poles declare as believers and Christians it is a natural consequence that I will speak about God revealed by Jesus Christ and presents in the human reality by the Holy Spirit. I would like to began from the short description of the theological dimension of the doctrine of Holy ...
The lease is renewable ONLY if Jews remain faithful to God. The Jews forfeited this lease by crucifying the landlord, the Messiah—The Lord Jesus Christ—and bringing upon themselves His condemnation: Quote “The kingdom is taken from you and given it to another people.” Unquote. Second, ...
said God wants to treat man as His equal, His image, for He has endowed him with great gifts and possibilities so that he can stand before God and embrace the entire wealth of divine life. This is our one and only true calling: to become LIKE unto Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ...
I found an interesting article on an Orthodox Web site.In this article the author states, There are no absolute rules as to where or how many lighted candles must be offered. Their purchase is a little sacrifice to God, voluntary and not burdensome. A large and expensive candle is no mor...
Ivan Ilyin’s “On Resistance to Evil by Force” (trans by K Benois) was first published in Berlin in 1925. It gives the Russian Orthodox position on, evil, which is well worth a listen. Who Is Evil Today? Do you remember “the fall of the wall” in 1989? The wall in Berlin tha...
• Strict Muslims do not consume pork or alcohol. Orthodox Jews eat neither ___ nor shellfish. Hindus do not eat any ___ because this animal is considered sacred.A.beef, muttonB.pork, muttonC.pork, beefD.mutton, beef的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照