mankind to himself and let them into his presence, he had to become man (Jesus), live a sinless life and be brutally killed as a sacrifice to himself. But only those who believe in Jesus get to be with god after death. All unbelievers will go to hell where they will be tortured ...
While the sentimentality of a holiday to show gratitude for what we have is nice, we can’t denythe roots of Thanksgiving, which is why many Native American families and activists see the holiday asanything but something to be thankful for. The most important thing you as an individual can...
What does Jesus say about suffering in the Gnostic Gospels? Are the Gnostic gospels true? Why are the Gnostic Gospels not in the Bible? Are the Gnostic Gospels orthodox? When were the Gnostic Gospels written? Where were the Gnostic Gospels found?
2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.3 As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable. 4 Remove the dross from the silver, and a silversmith can produc...
For good souls the bridge is the path to heaven. Bad souls fall to perdition. The Tarot Belief Reincarnation has long been one of the esoteric tarots “hidden teachings”. Judaism – Orthodox Judaism Man has a soul. Believe in the future resurrection of the dead. If the person does not ...
96 % of Poles declare as believers and Christians it is a natural consequence that I will speak about God revealed by Jesus Christ and presents in the human reality by the Holy Spirit. I would like to began from the short description of the theological dimension of the doctrine of Holy ...
If you’re going to worship one Roman God, you could still worship another. It doesn’t work like that. They’re inclusive. Christianity is exclusive. Follow Jesus and nobody else. You can’t serve two masters. And this rather than being a turnoff is something that was really attractive...
said God wants to treat man as His equal, His image, for He has endowed him with great gifts and possibilities so that he can stand before God and embrace the entire wealth of divine life. This is our one and only true calling: to become LIKE unto Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ...
197 times, roughly, in the K.J.V., and 245 times, roughly, in most Orthodox bibles our Father’s loving words regarding the treatment of the poor is expressed as only a loving God can! Could fear of retribution, annialstion motive us to treat the poor as our Father has expressed, ...
That idea that anger is always sin.. - well, let me tell you about a Sunday School lesson we taught on propitiation. A student asked, "what is propitiation" - that's when God's anger is satisfied by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. ...