Kolker, Robert
96 % of Poles declare as believers and Christians it is a natural consequence that I will speak about God revealed by Jesus Christ and presents in the human reality by the Holy Spirit. I would like to began from the short description of the theological dimension of the doctrine of Holy ...
So traditionalist Catholics, 3.6 kids, I’m shocked it sat low Orthodox Jews, 3.3, Mormons, 2.8, Muslims, 2.8, not to mention voluntarily isolating sex like the Amish and the Amish have grown tremendously. So I mean the number of Amish even a hundred years ago was really small and ...
Judaism – Orthodox Judaism Man has a soul. Believe in the future resurrection of the dead. If the person does not believe in future resurrection then he/she will not be resurrected. Reform Judaism There is no belief of a literal future resurrection but maintains that there is a spiritual li...
KiwiNFLFanwrote:Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:50 pmI'm an ex-Christian who is now a Buddhist. I was involved in all three branches of Christianity over the years - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. I'm curious as to what other Theravada Buddhists think about the god of Christianity. Does he ex...
In the Orthodox Church each member is encouraged upon entering the worship place to purchase a small votive candle, light it, and place it in a small sandbox. There are various beliefs and reasons for why Orthodox believers do this - as with all symbolism, one individual might be taught an...
The Jews forfeited this lease by crucifying the landlord, the Messiah—The Lord Jesus Christ—and bringing upon themselves His condemnation: Quote “The kingdom is taken from you and given it to another people.” Unquote. Second, Bibzy says Jews have been in the land of Israel for 3,800 ...
The holiest site in Judaism is fascinating to visit and there is an electric atmosphere, as Orthodox Jews rock back and forth, praying at the Western Wall. Supporting one side of Temple Mount, the area now acts as a de-facto synagogue. It is often known as the Wailing Wall, as Jews th...
A—THIS MAY BE A REHEARSAL. We don’t know. But we do know that the Greeks are a target for being Orthodox. Doesn’t it surprise you how the rest of Europe are free compared to us, who live under such strict restrictions. Things are very loose in Germany. And they are allowed to...
Ivan Ilyin’s “On Resistance to Evil by Force” (trans by K Benois) was first published in Berlin in 1925. It gives the Russian Orthodox position on, evil, which is well worth a listen. Who Is Evil Today? Do you remember “the fall of the wall” in 1989? The wall in Berlin tha...