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According to your symptoms, I would suggest you had your thyroid gland checked. Thyroid disorders would cause just the symptoms you mentioned but so would a lack of estrogen. Have you been talking to the doctor who performed the hysterectomy when you were told you were in menopause?
Whenever estrogen dominance is at play, we always have the ability to try tobalance hormones naturally, as well. Excess estrogen can be reduced when we focus on supporting the liver in processing estrogen and helping the gut to eliminate it. I have tons of resources in my article library dev...
3“Bottom surgery” is a colloquial term that refers to genital surgery and involves varying combinations of: construction of a neo-vagina, orchiectomy, penile inversion, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, vaginectomy, metoidioplasty or construction of a neo-phallus. 4 Elly was seen twice a week, face...
I was burning my sick leave like crazy. My gyno put me on the pill…every day. I didn’t take a break each month and I had no period…ever. It was the best thing I ever did to control the migraines. I still have an occasional migraine (after a hysterectomy) and use a ...
Interestingly, this stands in contrast to exogenous estrogen, which has been observed to increase C-reactive protein levels [27]. If endogenous estrogens exhibit a CV-protective effect in premenopausal women compared to men, the incidence of CVD drastically increases after menopause. Postmenopausal ...