Unlike components such as HDDs or coolers, CPUs don’t have any moving parts. On a hardware level, they should be fine for a long time as long as they’re installed properly. However, every CPU requires some basic maintenance, and certain use cases can make it struggle a lot more. That...
The choice betweenAir vs AIO CPU Coolersshould be boiled down to price first if you’re on a limited budget. Air Cooling is fairly competitive with AIO cooling across-the-board, especially with a chassis big enough to accommodate it. If you want help picking a CPU cooler beyond the basics...
Delidding aCPUis the process of removing its integrated heat spreader, or IHS. This is quite a drastic procedure and runs the risk of damaging or even breaking your processor. But — and it’s a big but — the temperature improvements, especially for CPUs that typically run hot, can be ...
Also, a CPU with a 105W TDP can generate a lot of heat under stress, so make sure you’re using one of the best AIO coolers with it. When it comes to the cache size, the 5900XT takes the lead. It offers a 64 MB L3 Cache, while the 5800XT comes packed with 32 MB L3 Cache...
I've also used the paste that comes with the CPU cooler - and with the AMD stock coolers, I leave the thermal material there and just slap it on. I haven't had any thermal issues for over ten years. In the past, my problems were limited air flow through the older style computer ...
CPU's that have been installed for a long time tend get stuck to coolers ALL the time, because the thermal paste hardens significantly over time. The problem is worsened, as mentioned by other people, due to the way the AM4 socket works, as it just pinches the pins together, so ...
good connection between the two allowing for optimum heat transfer. Some coolers come with a layer of thermal paste already applied. This is generally not of the best quality and may leave your CPU running hotter than it should be, but it should be enough for mid-tier CPUs at stock speeds...
You shouldn't have any major cooling issues, as long as your case ventilation's OK, because of the largeness of P4 coolers and of the contact patch between CPU and heat sink. Current AMD CPUs have smaller coolers and a much smaller contact patch, both of which make them harder to cool...
How to Check Your CPU Temperature See more latest ► See all comments (10) Researchers cracked open $1.6 million Bitcoin wallet after 20-character password was lost — well worth the six months of effort Intel CPU-dispensing vending machine game spotted in Japan — one user got a Core i7...
Unlike components such as HDDs or coolers, CPUs don’t have any moving parts. On a hardware level, they should be fine for a long time as long as they’re installed properly. However, every CPU requires some basic maintenance, and certain use cases can make it struggle a lot more. That...