MSI's new "CPU Cooler Tuning" feature offers power limit recommendations based on which CPU cooler is being used. The feature is designed to be straightforward and easy to use. At the first boot or every time after CMOS is cleared, you’ll be prompted to choose your CPU cooler and the ...
MSI's new "CPU Cooler Tuning" feature offers power limit recommendations based on which CPU cooler is being used. The feature is designed to be straightforward and easy to use. At the first boot or every time after CMOS is cleared, you’ll be prompted to choose your CPU cooler and the ...
首先是在CPU Cooler Tuning(处理器散热器调整)项目里,提供了三个选项,对应三种功耗限制,分别是:原装散热器253W、塔式风冷散热器288W、水冷散热器4096W。这个水冷模式对应的就是无限功耗,而原装模式相当于华硕、技嘉的Baseline,对应标称最大睿频功耗,选择它就行了。这还没完,同样在超频菜单里,还要打开CPU Lit...
指南中,微星以出现问题最集中的酷睿i9-13900K和酷睿i9-14900K为例,指导用户首先在BIOS OC模块的“CPU Cooler Turing”选项中,选择“Boxed Cooler(PL1:253W)”选项,将CPU的功耗恢复到默认的253W;然后再在“CPU Lite Load Control”选项中选择“Intel Default”选项,将CPU电压恢复至英特尔的出厂设定。这样一...
如果你使用水冷那选择WATER COOLER即可,其PL1能开到4096W,属于不限制级别。 当然不同主板和不同CPU的功耗墙设置也截然不同,比如上图中的B660迫击炮上12400和原装风冷的PL1仅为65W。 换成13600K后PL1来到了181W,这是因为CPU带不带K的功耗区别很大,而设置功耗墙主要用于解除主板对CPU供电的限制,尽可能满足CPU超频后...
MSI's new "CPU Cooler Tuning" feature offers power limit recommendations based on which CPU cooler is being used. The feature is designed to be straightforward and easy to use. At the first boot or every time after CMOS is cleared, you’ll be prompted to choose your CPU cooler and the ...
今天小编带来的是一款可以帮助用户解决手机发热,照片管理等功能的软件,这款《cpu cooler》是一个非常易于使用的全功能手机冷却缓存清洁软件,该应用程序具有许多用于存储空间管理和本地照片管理的功能,用户可以随时使用软件进行手机安全监控,超级方便操作简单,有需要的
Cooler,Master/酷冷至尊品牌 一件代发 ¥12.8 杭州颐高数码旗舰市场攀艳电脑商行6年 酷冷至尊T620S镀镍六铜管ARGB双12cm风扇pwm温控cpu散热器 酷冷至尊品牌 48小时发货 ¥65.0 广州墨融电子科技有限公司2年 酷冷至尊 A93 台式电脑775平台CPU散热器 下吹式775CPU风扇 静音 ...