Taking lemon juice mixed in water: Taking lemon juice mixed in water helps to stimulate bowel movements and soften the stool. Trying a squat position while pooping: Squatting relaxes the muscle and straightens out the colon, resulting in less straining while defecating. References Top 12 Remed...
___ laxatives lubricate the intestinal walls and soften the stool.Constipation can be caused by all of the following except a. emotional stress b. low-fiber diet c. a secondary lifestyle d. dehydration e. bacterial...
4. Stool softeners - These over the counter medications are quite safe.大便软化剂 - 这些在处方药是很安全的。 They work by drawing more water into the large intestine to soften hardened stools, allowing for an easier and less strained bowel movement.他们的工作由抽入大肠粪便软化硬化更多的水,对...