Bananas can act in a similar manner as the pumpkin in that they help absorb water, decrease bowel movements by slowing down peristalsis, and they are a good source of potassium.BUT bananas are high in sugar which isn’t ideal for dogs who are overweight or diabetic. ...
It’s been a long time (again) since I’ve posted anything on here. I just haven’t been able to make the time for it. It actually takes me quite a bit of time and effort to make a post here. It helps to be in the right frame of mind, but even so it takes me at least a...
So, what treats do gerbils love?Fruitsmake a safe and healthy treat, including strawberries, berries, bananas, apples, and raisins. Vegetable treats include broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, peas, pumpkin, and tomatoes. Do gerbils go in exercise balls?
For bait, use other foods in addition to cheese. They really prefer fresh bread, cake or doughnuts. They are also fond of peanut butter, chocolate, freshly fried bacon, sardines, nuts, bananas or apple parings. Another option said to be excellent is a mixture of peanut butter, rolled oats...
I’m assuming that if you know how to find my blog, you’re familiar with the TikTok that says, “Show me the life hack that you randomly saw one day that is now an unconscious standard practice in your life.” Well my favorite life hack is that I freeze bananas and put them in ...
even dogs who don’t usually like tennis balls go for them and ball-lovers go BANANAS.) I take it out and toss it, he pounces on it and runs around like a maniac for several minutes, dropping and pouncing, occasionally rolling on it like a Shiatsu device, then when he’s done, he...
We spend the afternoon doing a few more chores; loaded up with more water, and since the weekly mail boat arrived the day before, a quick trip to Adderley’s for fresh produce, (melon, apples, bananas, oranges, romaine, huge red peppers, celery, and eggs were the best picks…you ...
likelice, ringworm, or pinworms. Just thinking about it can make your skin crawl. But when you find out that your children have one of these common problems, believe me when I say, you want to talk about it real fast and get the answers to your questions so you can fix the problem...