The invention discloses a DO-178B document generator, belonging to the field of software engineering automation. The DO-178B document generator is characterized by decomposing and organizing data items of a plurality of documents, compiling, modifying and querying the documents in the mode of a ...
DO-178B 英法中三种文本对照学习注记 2011-4-8 /logiciel/ 1. 引言 本文汇总了对英文版DO- 178B、法文版ED-12B 和中文版HB/Z295-96 进行对照学习时 所做的注记。这三种文本是: 英文版:RTCA/DO- 178B, SOFTWARE CONSIDERATIONS IN AIRBONE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION, December 1, 1992 。 法...
DO178B标准英文版 RTCA/DO-178B Page 1 of 77 Royal Technical Commision on Aviation DO-178B TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose ! 1.2 Scope ! 1.3 Relationship to Other Documents ! 1.4 How to Use This Document ! 1.5 Document Overview ! 2.0 SYSTEM ASPECTS RELATING TO SOFTWARE ...
DO-178B/ED-12B的第2.2.2条定义了软件等级: a.LevelA:Softwarewhoseanomalousbehavior,asshownbythesystemsafety assessmentprocess,wouldcauseorcontributetoafailureofsystemfunction resultinginacatastrophicfailureconditionfortheaircraft. b.LevelB:Softwarewhoseanomalousbehavior,asshownbythesystemsafety assessmentprocess,wou...
DO-178B英法中三种文本对照学习注记 2011-4-8 1.引言 本文汇总了对英文版DO-178B、法文版ED-12B和中文版HB/Z295-96进行对照学习时所做的注记。这三种文本是:英文版:RTCA/DO-178B, SOFTWARE CONSIDERATIONS IN AIRBONE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION, December 1, ...
DO 178C 委员会决定不对 DO 178B 标准的正文直接进行修改和扩充以适应这些新技术和新方法 相反地 将来的 DO 178C 会 有一份核心文档 Core Document 其内容类似于 DO 178B 和若干补充文档 Supplements 针对每一项新技术或方法的应用应调整的目标和相关指南 值得指出的是 DO 178C 的核心文档与补充文档应该是...
The RTCA/EUROCAE DO-178B/ED-12B avionics safety standard went through a revision that ended with the publication of the new DO-178C/ED-12C standard in December 2011. The core document is substantially the same as DO-178B, with a number of clarifications and a few minor corrections. The ...
这些错误在DO-178C 中已经全部改正过来了。 DO-178B 中还有一些很难发现的错误。说它们很难发现,我的意思是说,光光靠阅读几 遍标准是发现不了的,只有真正深入钻研过并实践过 DO-178B 的专家才能发现。举个例子 来说,DO-178B 附件A 的表A-1 的第五个目标说明,对于D 级软件不需要编写软件标准;而 表A-...
Specifically, the purpose of this document is toJ AlvesFossAlves-Foss, J., C. Taylor, and B. Rinker. "Towards Common Criteria Certification for DO-178B Compliant Airborne Software Systems", 2002, http://