docker run --it --rm --dns microsoft/windowsservercore powershell nslookup observe the dns server ip address does not match the server passed with --dns ipconfig /all to see all the dns servers in the container PS C:> ipconfig /all ...
The nginx container should not be aware of the global IP addresses (whether it was the old or the new yep, i shouldn’t need to care about any of the host ips. rwanwork: It should know the Ruby on Rails application by a Docker bridge and just send...
docker run --it --rm --dns microsoft/windowsservercore powershell nslookup observe the dns server ip address does not match the server passed with --dns ipconfig /all to see all the dns servers in the container PS C:> ipconfig /all ...
and just for reference, still not working in Version 1.12.0-beta21 (build: 11019), and even if I edit host and resolve.conf in the container it doesn’t really work it seems… the login works, but the pull/push e.g. times out ...
在大规模集群中,在每个Node上都需要配置到其他docker0/Node的路由项,这会带来很大的工作量;并且在新增机器时,对所有Node都需要修改配置;在重启机器时,如果docker0的地址有变化,则也需要修改所有Node的配置,这显然是非常复杂的。 为了管理这些动态变化的docker0地址,动态地让其他Node都感知到它,还可以使用动态路由发现...
安装docker 命令 curl -sSL | sh 1. 安装K8S依赖的软件 apt-get install -y conntrack socat ebtables ipset 1. 配置阿里云镜像加速器 登录阿里云>控制台>镜像工具>镜像加速器 找到对应操作系统命令并在服务器中执行
WARNING: Container based cache volumes creation is disabled. Will not create volume for "c:\\cache" Pulling docker image ... Using docker image sha256:554d252c1f0f4c6b23c28f91e6966e39eb7dd4dd98895ef63404746ea8c8eb96 for
conf changes Configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd) [1/7]: checking status [2/7]: setting up bind-dyndb-ldap working directory [3/7]: setting up kerberos principal [4/7]: setting up SoftHSM [5/7]: adding DNSSEC containers [6/7]: creating replica keys [7/7]:...
- /volume1/docker/duckdns:/config This container’s volume mapping is straightforward; all it needs is a place to put the log file. Sometimes configuring and running a container is a big pain in the rear. Thankfully, this one’s about as easy as it gets. It’s nice to have an easy...
container: skydns docker build -t kubernetes/skydns . push: docker push kubernetes/skydns clean: rm -f skydns //当时是把skydns制作成docker容器来运行的,skydns依赖etcd运行 //所以早期的dns服务是由kube2sky、skyDNS、etcd组成,都是按照docker容器部署的方式 ...