I've had this issue since docker 0.1 to 0.3. Running on either the host machine or in vmware. (Virtualbox does not have this issue but sometimes the kernel segfaults within the container.)
docker run --name backend docker connect (...) My backend can then dohttp://db(or whatever protocol) to communicate Now if I simply create a container without giving it a name: docker run myDBImage docker connect (...) Docker will automatically give it a name by itself, say "angry_p...
尝试了各种 --dns 和修改设置/etc/resolv.conf 的 nameserver 以及关闭bri,设置docker0 eth 都没有效果,报错无法解析地址和服务器。 不知道是不是因为wsl2 具有特殊性 后来想起来之前用的一组容器运行脚本是可以使用网络的。 经过对比,它使用了 --net=hadoop 的attribution,我在run新的docker container时 带上 ...
Windows docker desktop - dnsmasq container started in Ubuntu - udp port 53 not accessible outside shell Docker Desktop dns 0 1274 August 27, 2021 Custom DNS for resolving containers Docker Desktop windows 15 31301 March 29, 2017 How to set up local dev environment with dnsmasq, ...
It should rely for the container or service name, which get registered in the buildin dns-based service discovery and should be used to resolve the current container ip. Of course this only works in a user defined network (= not the default bridge). rwanwork: But the Container’s pages ...
Find the latest recommended version of the Docker Compose file format for defining multi-container applications.
If IPv6 could not be disabled on an interface because of a read-only/proc/sys/net, the environment variable allowed the container to start anyway. In this release, if IPv4 cannot be disabled for an interface, IPv6 can be explicitly enabled for the network simply by using--ipv6when creati...
"containerLogMaxFiles":5, 把容器日志保存到数据盘 把数据盘挂载到 “data-root”(缺省是/var/lib/docker)即可。 创建一个软链接/var/log/pods指向数据盘挂载点下的某个目录。在 TKE 中选择“将容器和镜像存储在数据盘”,会自动创建软链接/var/log/pods。
本节中的信息说明在 Docker 默认网桥中配置容器 DNS。这是一个在安装 Docker 时自动创建名为 :通过 Docker 网络功能,您可以创建除默认网桥以外的用户定义网络。有关用户定义网络中 DNS 配置的更多信息,请参阅 Docker Embedded DNS 部分。 Docker 如何为每个容器提供主机名和 DNS 配置,而不必使用内部写入的主机名...
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