What is an Aboleth? An Aboleth is an aberration that looks like all of the worst sea creatures imaginable spliced together. They have long tentacles and an eel-like body. Their mouths, much like the lamprey, are round and filled with rows of sharp teeth. Oh, and did we mention they...
What is Dungeons and Dragons or D&D or DnD: DND is a Tabletop role-playing game. You have to use your imagination, a set of rules, and most probably a dice. As mentioned above the 7 versions of DnD have been released so far, so here is the names and the release date of all those...
Unspeakable Presence (Su) Failing a DC 38 Will saving throw against Tsathoggua's unspeakable presence causes the victim to perceive Tsathoggua as its only ally; it treats all other creatures as enemies and does what it can to defend Tsathoggua and obey the Great Old One's commands, as...
Last of all, at level 14, isCreate Thrall. With this, you can cast a version of Summon Aberration which has a duration of one minute but doesn’t require concentration. The Aberration also appears with temporary HP equal to your Warlock level plus your Charisma modifier. Any time this Aber...
Aberration.You gain telepathy within a range of 90 feet. Balance*.Your mind suffers a wrenching alteration, causing your alignment to change. Lawful become chaotic, good becomes evil, and vice versa. If you are true neutral or unaligned, this card has no effect on you. ...
Summer is here, and with it comes EN5ider's fey season—beginning with Summerwine Creek, an idyllic village with an otherworldly secret. What is behind the settlement's endless festivities? Monstrous Menagerie: From Stranger Woods. Four fantastical new fey monsters for your 5E game! The goat-...
Inc.MadeintheU.S.A. Visitourwebsiteat.wizards/dnd 2 TableofContents TheNatureoftheCoreRulebooks’Changes3 FiendFolio(RevisionUpdate)4 TheNatureoftheCoreRulebooks’Changes Thepurposeofthisbookletisnottoprovideacompre- hensivelistofeverythingthathaschangedwiththe3.5 revision.Thechangesaretoolargeinnumber...
What makes this scariest of all is that it’s up to the Dungeon Master whether or not the creature is real. Without a definite stat block, he could simply be an effective storytelling tool for players. Nearly everyone has a bag of holding, entrusting it with money, magical items, and ...
you can spend a Magic action to turn it into an Animated Broom that you control. It moves into an unoccupied space, and it acts after you on your Initiative count from now on. During your turn, you can command the broom as a free action, provided it is within 30 feet of you and ...
TheDnD Deck of Many Thingsis a magical deck of cards with the power to change lives. Drawing a single card may grant your D&D character more riches than they could ever spend – or it could send them to an inescapable hell dimension. That’s how things go when you leave fate up to ...