D&D 5e Spell List - Interactive D&D spell list / calculator Every Possible Stat Array - A list of all possible standard stat arrays using the point buy system 5E Point Buy Calculator - A calculator for choosing stats using the point buy system Pathguy Character Generator - A web-based charac...
Spellarena Battlemap Collection - I'm running out of adjectives for these (awesome) map packs. TacticalMap Battlemaps Pack - These are pretty cool, too! Tom Cartos Ostenwold - This one's a little different as it's a preset town. Also, great maps! Modules...
按照5e的规则,dnd的购点制是这样的 这里我引用一个期望值计算器 骰子平均值计算器 - Savvy Calculator 来帮助计算这个骰点的数学期望。得到dnd的均值是10.5 而DH的均值是11;再加上帝国世界的基础值,也就是说DH的各项属性均值应为31 当然实际跑dnd的时候不会有哪个傻逼真的车一个六维全是10的废物,这里仅仅作为...
Instead of the normal spell-slots-and-levels setup of other classes, Warlocks get a small number of slots and always cast at the highest spell level, limiting their casting capacity. In exchange, they get more powerful cantrips, spells, and even a variety of martial...
If both barbarians are level 5, a CR 5 creature, will, per the DMG, have, on average, have an AC of 15. Using this handy DPR calculator, courtesy of LudicSavant, I'll look at both Thud and Rothgar over a 2 round phase, so both can enter their rage and still get straight...