You gain two cantrips and one level 1 spell from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list, and can replace them with another spell of the same level from the same list when you gain a level. You choose Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma as your spellcasting modifier for these spells when...
NameLevelSchoolCasting timeRitualConcentrationSource Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting (Open in new window) 8 Necromancy 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Absorb Elements (Open in new window) 1 Abjuration Special No No Elemental Evil Acid Splash (Open in new window) 0 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players...
Since Intelligence will dictate the Artificer's spellcasting, and the Flash of Genius ability, this is the stat you'll want to prioritize. If you can nab a +3 modifier, then do that because the majority of your class features rely on Intelligence – that's especially true for Armorer and...
you can swap the spells you chose whenever you gain aDnD level up, provided your new picks are from the same spell list that you originally chose as part of the feat. Magic Initiate can be taken more than once, but
Any aligned spells are removed from the spell list. A paladin of Balance must choose between gaining the lawful-themed powers of the Paladin of Justice, the good-themed powers of the Paladin of Light, the Chaos-themed powers of the Paladin of Chaos, or the evil-themed powers of the Paladi...
D&D 5e Spell List - Interactive D&D spell list / calculator Every Possible Stat Array - A list of all possible standard stat arrays using the point buy system 5E Point Buy Calculator - A calculator for choosing stats using the point buy system Pathguy Character Generator - A web-based charac...
If a human paragon has no levels in a spellcasting class, this class feature has no effect.Adaptive Learning (Ex)At 1st level, a human paragon can designate any one of his human paragon class skills as an adaptive skill. This skill is treated as a class skill in all respects for all ...
A bard casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the bard spell list. He can cast any spell ...
Spells Known of 1st Level and HigherAt 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list.The Spells Known column of the Warlock table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a ...
兼职的施法等级 & 法师职业抄学卷轴的能力 角色施法能力,也就是spell level,当然也等同于更常见的CL caster level,是通过所有施法者职业的施法等级相加计算得到的,这其中诗人、牧师、德鲁伊、术士、法师每1级都供完整的1级施法能力,也被称为9环施法者,圣骑士与游侠为半施法者,战士子职奥法骑士与游荡者子职诡术师...