Shadow Unearthed Arcana 10 - Light, Dark, Underdark! Stone Sorcery Unearthed Arcana 28 - Sorcerer Font of Magic At 2nd level, you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects. ...
Sorcerer •Aberrant Mind •Clockwork Soul •Favored Soul •Favored Soul Revisited •Giant Soul •Lunar Magic •Mage of Prismari •Mage of Quandrix •Phoenix Sorcery •Psionic Soul •Sea Sorcery •Shadow •Stone Sorcery
ShadowScout阴影斥候 Shamancoreclass萨满(核心职业) Shapeshifter变形者 ShibaProtector ShintaoMonk Shugenjacoreclass SinghRager Soheicoreclass Sorcerervariantcoreclass术士(核心职业变种) TattooedMonk VoidDisciple WeaponMaster(Kensei)武器大师(剑圣) WitchHunter WuJencoreclass Yakuza日本瘪三 PSIONICSHANDBOOK心灵异能手...
除一般巴特祖的类法术能力外,每轮1次,格莱西雅公主能使用以下类法术能力:迷诱术beguile(译注:按迷诱权杖)、魅惑怪物charm monster、侦测隐形detect invisibility、解除魔法dispel magic、指使术geas、光亮术light、自我变形polymorph self、燃火术produce flame、烟火术pyrotechnics、死者复活raise dead、阅读语言read languag...
1991 幻影法师 Shadow Sorcerer[15] Home computers 龙枪 U.S. Gold 1991 黑暗之池 Pools of Darkness[15] Home computers 被遗忘的国度 SSI 1991 克莱恩死亡骑士 Death Knights of Krynn[15] Home computers 龙枪 SSI 1991 无冬之夜 Neverwinter Nights (MMORPG)[15] Home computers 被遗忘的国度 无冬之夜 AO...
《巫师归来The Return of the Sorcerer》。玛格丽特·圣克莱尔Margaret St.Clair。《Change the Sky and Other Stories》《The Shadow People》和《Sign of the Labrys》。托尔金J.R.R.Tolkien。《霍比特人The Hobbit》《魔戒The Lord of the Rings》和《精灵宝钻The Silmarillion》。里克莱·托尔斯泰Nikolai Tolstoy...
——Ahriman: Sorcerer 45.爆弹枪,是阿斯塔特修会和战斗修女会的标准武器。口径为0.75英寸,可发射一种自行推进的、比起子弹更像是小型导弹或火箭弹的自推进型弹药,穿透目标后,会在其内部产生毁灭性的爆炸。以下是大量爆弹将凡人的身体炸成血沫或血雾的表现。 With a small movement, the warrior raised the ...
Ihminen Noita (Human - Shadow Magic Sorcerer) Matkannut Kaelin kanssa noin vuoden ennen tarinan alkua Kael Kross Puolihaltia Tokinjer'n Ritari (Half-Elf - Eldrich Knight Fighter) Varyn Kuuhaltia jousiampuja (Eladrin - Arcane Archer Fighter) Kotoisin ilmeisesti Keijusalosta, aatelinen om...
每4级可吐出一条触须 BOVD107 ★通用系 Universal —— ◎二级法术 2-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS 法术名称 组件 施法时间 射程 持续时间 豁免 SR 摘要 来源 ★防护系 Abjuration Arcane Lock 秘法锁 VSM 单动作 接触 永久 无否 用魔法锁住门和箱子,30平方ft/级.材料:25GP PHB200 Daggerspell Stance 魔...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.