Shadow Unearthed Arcana 10 - Light, Dark, Underdark! Stone Sorcery Unearthed Arcana 28 - Sorcerer Font of Magic At 2nd level, you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects. ...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
A borderline must-have if one of your players is a Shadow Sorcerer. NOTE: This module is a fork of the original, and as such, cannot be installed by the conventional manifest url. You need to manually install the module. Why retired: Wanted to slim down my module list a bit, and ...
Sorcerer •Aberrant Mind •Clockwork Soul •Favored Soul •Favored Soul Revisited •Giant Soul •Lunar Magic •Mage of Prismari •Mage of Quandrix •Phoenix Sorcery •Psionic Soul •Sea Sorcery •Shadow •Stone Sorcery
我找了一个5E的崔斯特设定,是比较弱的: 8级战士。 而苹果园上有个历史悠久的设定: 16级。 我觉得按16级算吧。 那我大概这么说吧:战团长级别人物我们定在16级左右,那那些终结者护甲的比较强的角色可以定在12级左右,普通甲的特殊兵种定9级左右,普通甲普通兵定个5级好了。 当然,如果玩家要玩星际战士角色是...
A Wild Magic sorcerer expends a spell slot to cast disguise self, which they learned via the 1st level illusion spell option as part of the Shadow Touched feat. A Wild Magic Surge triggers off of this casting. If yes, then the spell can count as a class spell for you...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
Monk: Open Hand, Shadow, Four Elements Paladin: Devotion, Ancients, Vengeance Ranger: Hunter, Beast Master Rogue: Thief, Assassin, Arcane Trickster Sorcerer: Draconic Bloodline, Wild Magic Warlock: Archfey, Fiend, Great Old One Wizard: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divinat...
Sorcerercoreclass术士(核心职业) Wizardcoreclass法师(核心职业) Barbariancoreclass野蛮人(核心职业) Bardcoreclass吟游诗人(核心职业) Clericcoreclass牧师(核心职业) Druidcoreclass德鲁伊(核心职业) Fightercoreclass战士(核心职业) Monkcoreclass武僧(核心职业) Paladincoreclass圣武士(核心职业) Rangercoreclass巡林客...