Wizards of the Coast's DnD Ranger 5e is tough, dextrous, and indispensable - here are the best Ranger DnD races, subclasses, and spells. Emma Partlow Published:7 days ago Dungeons and Dragons TheDnD Ranger 5eclass is a dexterous martial fighter, as adept with a bow as they are with a ...
social conflict or wilderness exploration, you can use your background or race to pick up a useful skill proficiency, combined with Expertise, to become the best in the party. It can be embarrassing for theRanger 5ewhen the Rogue has a higher Survival skill bonus!
矮人Dwarf 精灵 Elf 半身人 Halfling 人类 Human 龙裔 Dragonborn 侏儒 Gnome 半精灵 Half-Elf 半兽人 Half-Orc 提夫林 Tiefling 第3 章:职业Classes 野蛮人 Barbarian 吟游诗人 Bard 牧师 Cleric 德鲁伊 Druid 战士 Fighter 武僧 Monk 圣武士 Paladin 游侠 Ranger 游荡者 Rogue 术士 Sorcerer 邪术师 Warlock 法师 ...
巡林客Ranger 游荡者Rogue 术士Sorcerer 邪术师Warlock 法师Wizard 第4 章:个性与背景Personality and Background 角色细节Character Details 激励Inspiration 背景Backgrounds 第5 章:装备Equipment 起始装备Starting Equipment 财富Wealth 护甲与盾牌Armor and Shields 武器Weapons 冒险用品Adventuring Gear...
You could make the other, that this spell means "Vanish" as "use the 14th level Ranger class feature", which is a strange way of saying "take the hide action as a bonus action (!) and become untrackable for the action"?!) So we fall back on what the w...
发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:职业 3 Classes 掩护Cover 伤害与治疗Damage and Healing 野蛮人Barbarian 骑乘战斗Mounted Combat 吟游诗人Bard 水下战斗Underwater Combat 牧师Cleric 德鲁伊Druid 第 部分 3 战士Fighter 武僧Monk 第 章:施法 10 Spellcasting 圣武士Paladin 巡林客Ranger 法术是什么What Is a Spell...
Backgrounds Character Advancement Inspiration Languages Multiclassing Classes Alchemist Pathfinder skills, Craft, recipe, time, Tool, Types. Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warlock Wizard DND 5E All about DND Races, Classes, Spells, Magic, Equipment, Monsters an...
Rangers have the spellcasting class feature. It allows the Ranger to cast a small number of spells from the Ranger spell list, which has a lot in common with the Druid spell list (much like the Paladin spell list has a lot in common with the Cleric spell list, although they ar...
DnD 5e Blog + Resources for Adventurers and DMs DnD Lounge provides spell guides, rules tutorials, character creation generators, short adventures, and other DnD-related goodies. Our Portfolio Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Regi