发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:职业 3 Classes 掩护Cover 伤害与治疗Damage and Healing 野蛮人Barbarian 骑乘战斗Mounted Combat 吟游诗人Bard 水下战斗Underwater Combat 牧师Cleric 德鲁伊Druid 第 部分 3 战士Fighter 武僧Monk 第 章:施法 10 Spellcasting 圣武士Paladin 巡林客Ranger 法术是什么What Is a Spell...
Wizards of the Coast's DnD Ranger 5e is tough, dextrous, and indispensable - here are the best Ranger DnD races, subclasses, and spells.
文档标签: DND 5e 规则 龙与地下城 玩家手册 系统标签: sheepy 法术 richardbaker 手册 附录 武僧 制作组D&D设计师主管:Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford 《玩家手册》主管:Jeremy Crawford 规则研发:Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee 文案:James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell 编辑:Michele Carter, Chris...
DnD 5e Blog + Resources for Adventurers and DMs DnD Lounge provides spell guides, rules tutorials, character creation generators, short adventures, and other DnD-related goodies. Our Portfolio Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Regi
[DND 5E] Beyond 1st Level Backgrounds Character Advancement Inspiration Languages Multiclassing Classes Alchemist Pathfinder skills, Craft, recipe, time, Tool, Types. Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warlock Wizard DND 5E All about DND Races, Classes, Spells...
There are several ways to get Expertise in DnD 5e: be an Artificer, Bard, Ranger, Rogue, Knowledge Cleric, or any character with the Skill Expert or Prodigy feats or the… How Much Gold Would a Noble Have in DnD 5e? 12 months ago by Matt Zane A noble in DnD would have between 10...
RC Spent/Recoverable Ammo Tracker v1.0.13 Keeps track of ammo spent before and after combat, then outputs an option to recover half (rounded down) after combat ends. Super nice if you have a ranger or similar character in your party. Why retired: Replaced by Ammo Tracker...
The Ranger table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your ranger spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. ...
Create spell cards based on your class or character, generate a PDF or print them. Sort the spells by level, alphabetical and many other ways. Spells and cantrips from all the classes, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, Warlock. Customize the output. Two or three ...