I've been trying to get more into DnD and RPGs with my friend group and new S.O. but i lack creativity and substance. Does anyone have ideas for things i could play or create with to help me figure out whats best for me? Id love any feedback beyond this as well! Thank You!!
Have NPCs ask a bunch of leading questions from which a certain behavior emerges naturally, and then if the PCs either comply with the pattern or - even better - buck it with their own ideas over time, celebrate! And realize that some people will have great difficulty learning some of the...
I'm thinking about including a simple one-shot scenario, but I don't know how long that will take to write. I tend to work in fits and starts, doing nothing for weeks/months and then suddenly completing it in a few days when inspired, so I can't give any estimates. An adept DM ...
Can be challenging for new DMs Not everyone enjoys the dark tone Some problematic writing A few campaigns are in the running for ‘best adventure of all time’, but we think that the gothic horror module Curse of Strahd takes the cake. Its story, setting, and characters are so memorable ...
Wizards of the Coast has been regularly accused of pulling the ladder up behind it. This lack of acknowledgement feels like a missed opportunity to prove that D&D, in fact,doeswant to foster a healthy creative community and celebrate wins for the RPG industry – even if those ideas don’t ...
Conclusion Hopefully these tips and ideas give you a good starting point for playing D&D with kids. Introducing kids to the wonderful world of tabletop RPGs can benefit them now and for years to come. So dive in and give it a try!Previous...
Due to time constraints imposed by schoolwork, I was used to the idea of rotating DMs all the way back to playing AD&D 2e in college, but Ars was the first game I encountered that was really pretty much designed to have people play different characters depending on the needs of the ...
Yes, Dungeon Babies! By far the biggest thing I have ever released on DMsGuild or written for Dungeons & Dragons, this is the D&D5e supplement you never knew you wanted… rules for playing hapless, preverbal newborn babies gifted with the powers of veteran adventurers. ...
So this DM isn't "doing it wrong", but it may still be "wrong for you". At the end of the day, there are really only three outcomes here. 1) The game changes to better fit your ideas of what makes it fun. 2) The game doesn't change, and yo...
Keith AmmannNEW ON THE DMS' GUILD! An Equal Portion Dealt includes 30 cultures with different ability score increases and origin feats, to supplement or replace #5E24 #DnD backgrounds. Create a rogue from a Maritime Culture, a barbarian from an Honor Culture—or a paladin from a Corrupt Cult...